Justin Gatewood Capstone

My name is Justin Gatewood and for my senior capstone, I decided to begin my own workout journey, also creating an informational website for others to take inspiration from and gain knowledge. Mostly all my life, I’ve always been the smallest, weakest link and have always wanted to get into bettering my body to build up my confidence and ultimately feel better about myself. First, I had to thoroughly educate myself on the topic before jumping in because I knew virtually nothing about working out or fitness in general. I found many reputable sources all over the internet throughout my journey and am glad to be educated on it, though I wouldn’t call myself an expert. I found and created a workout plan that worked for me and on the way purchased things that helped me, such as dumbbells, pre-workout powders, and protein powders. Honestly, I didn’t put on as much muscle or weight as I wanted to but I’m still happy with my results. Working out is something I’ve always wanted to get into my whole life, but just never had the motivation or knowledge to do. When I really got into it, I realized it was fun and felt rewarding, even when I didn’t see any progress. I feel like this is something that I should’ve gotten into a long time ago and I’m happy that I finally did. Overall, I am happy with what I’ve accomplished and what I will continue to do, and I’m glad I have found an outlet to share it with others through my capstone.

Link to my Website: https://gainsfornoobs.weebly.com/
