Learn, Create, Lead

          Creativity while learning makes it better and more fun to learn. It won’t be boring just sitting there doing something you don’t want to do. But if you come up with the idea you will be more committed and excited to do the project. You will be able to do anything you want and make something that you made from your own mind, It will include what interest you and will make you want to make another one for fun. Learning is boring for some people, but if the people  add their own details and ideas they will think of it as something they wanna do and not something they have to do. It will be easy because you can determine what it looks like and how you will present it. Everyone creativity is different so all of the outcomes of their learning will be different as well. Me personally would like for all my learning to be creative because it will make learning more fun and who doesn’t like to do fun things.  

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