
Creativity while learning, helps me become smarter, better, and more educated, because I get to express the real me, and show off some of the ideas i have. Creativity while writing, expands your writing thoughts, and helps you to become a better writer, and think on a wider scale so that you won't have to repeat the same things over and over again. Creativity while drawing helps you to image a picture in your head like the full details and every little piece you I wanna teach in it and even what you were thinking just comes to life.Creativity while reading is just taking the things, and make them bigger. Just make your imagination bust out with ideas, and the things you think, just imagine if it what it would be like that if it were or how it would affect us. Creativity while dancing, allows your brain to come up with steps, and things you never done or helps the body do more than what it could handle, because you're just being creative.Creativity while cooking will allow you to cook things you never even thought of making, you just mix things together and then just put it together.

Comments (2)

Amaya Lambert (Student 2020)
Amaya Lambert

Your paragraph was really unique! I didn't see anyone who incorporated creativity with other things like writing and drawing. I agree with what you said 'just make your imagination burst out with ideas'. We can grow as students and people if we put a little of ourselves into our work. Your paragraph had very vivid descriptions and examples. I loved it. Keep it up!