Makyle Wyche/Charles Riggs/Jhakur Hall/Daniel Waters Capstone

Screenshot 2018-05-18 at 6.12.01 PM
Screenshot 2018-05-18 at 6.12.01 PM
For this capstone, we decided as a group to make something that summarizes and symbolizes our 4 years at SLA. It took us a while to figure out what exactly it was going to be, and we had trouble deciding which direction we should take our idea. After continuous discussions with each other and different ideas being presented, we went forward with the creation of a short book. A book was a way for us to show the experiences that we had together at this school for 4 years, but in a fictional story. There was input and feedback from different mentors that aided us in the process, each helping in various ways.  For the book, we wanted to create an accurate picture of what life is like at SLA from our point of view, while using the feedback of others to create a second story during the presentation. Our school is different in everyone's eyes, and this project illustrates that.
