Q1 Benchmark Final Submission
Earth systems have a complete yet simple way of working with others. When the Atmosphere releases heat into the geosphere the in which it brakes down rocks and other natural occurrences. The geosphere puts the sunlight back into the atmosphere. The biosphere takes in the gases, heat, and sunlight from the atmosphere. creating a stainable future isn't only important for us but our generations to come. One important way to be sustainable is by recycling. When we recycle our plastics and stuff like that get recused and help maintain wildlife. Another easy way to be sustainable is by reusing. When you throw old clothes out it gets put into a landfill. Landfills are very bad for the environment because they release greenhouse gasses into the air. When you donate your clothes give them to people who would make good use out of them it creates a better environment. The project on food stainability was very informative. My partner and I talked specify about the dairy industry and how the cows are being treated. I learned about how cows are being touched and we talked about how we could make the business sustainable to the environment and healthier. Our slides on how to make a sustainable dairy farm: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1HOuukRd6Xftxk-cENW1XGx6ZNxLYaAuPYNpRrGkg7eU/edit?usp=sharing
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