Quarter 3 Benchmark: Viajar Con Nosotros

Quarter 3 Benchmark (1)
Screenshot 2016-04-22 at 2.15.45 PM
Screenshot 2016-04-22 at 2.15.45 PM
For the Quarter 3 Travel Project, we had a lot to do but it was very exciting. We had to basically become apart of a travel agency and plan a trip for 2 to a Spanish speaking country and map out their whole trip. To show what the couple was going to do and how they were going to get to the place of their choice we had to make a brochure, slide show and commercial. The brochure was to show where they were going, how much everything caused and their daily activities.The slideshow had to also include the same information but more into detail. Lastly, the commercial was to persuade people to book with our travel agency. This benchmark, was a struggle especially becuase it had so many components. I overall enjoyed the project because it was so much fun planning the trip and finding information about a new/foreign place. 
