Quarter 3_Project #1_La Poesía Española

Quarter 3_Project #1_La Poesía Española (2)
For this project for Quarter 3 we had to first pick a Spanish poet from a list. When we chose a poet, we had to ​write a biography of the person and find a poem of theirs that we think we could reflect in our own poem. We had to write a reflection of the poets poem so that we understand what it was speaking about for when we write our own poem. Then, when it was our time to act as thoug poet and write and autobiography of ourselves and write a poem of our own using the theme of your poets poem. Overall, I enjoyed this project because it gave me the chance to express myself and how I write. I liked the work of the Octavo Paz (the poet I chose). And the poem "Where Without Whom"that I chose to reflect was good because I think I made a good poem to reflect the deepness of the poem. 
