Ryan's Social Media Survival Guide

Online I am kind of anonymous so to speak. You may find facebook accounts and instagram account none of which lead back to me.

They just look at me and they most likely just look at me as an average kid who likes average kid stuff.

I don’t honestly post much and when I do it is mostly family stuff so I don’t consider much to be quite honest.

A con of sharing online is one their is many ways to track where you are and where you took that picture. Another con is people will sometimes create bad opinions about you just based on the posts you create.

They all have an impact on our online lives and everyday lives because what we post online defines us to most people. Also what you post on the internet is ALWAYS on the internet.

I feel that social media background checks are not a problem. The reason behind that is because everyone should be smart enough to make a work or public account and a personal one as well.

Free speech to me is the right to be able to publically post and/or say anything that we please such as opinions and not be punished for it.

An internet troll is a person that will comment anything that they can to make you made. Or anything to make you angry sad. They feel that they can control whatever you think. They think they can get any emotion out of you and most of the time they can. The goals of internet trolls are to get anything they want out of you. Make you feel bad. Or maybe even a friendly troll might make you laugh or giggle. We will never be able to stop trolling. There will always be a person who will get through anything. The best advice is to ignore them and monitor your comments.

The pro’s is you are completely unknown you are not traceable. The cons are that you might only have a certain amount of friends irl and online.

My three tips to anyone using social media is one don’t always expect every comment to be good. Two make yourself private and only accept people you know and trust. Three don’t post anything without fully knowing all of the possible outcomes.

Comments (5)

Savannah Harris (Student 2019)
Savannah Harris

When you mention that whenever you post online it always stay online I agree. I agree because I know a friend who has a videos of herself online and her friends found out about it and began to share it. She tried to delete it but it never worked and she got bullied because of it.