Shanni-kie Watson, Capstone
My Capstone was about Parent Teen Relationship and during this process I have learnt so much about only myself but younger teens. I chose this topic because not only did I have problems with my parent it affected the way I preformed academically. My capstone is based on ways to help teens establish a healthy relationship with their parents and vice versa. First step of my capstone was deciding how I would implement this idea. This capstone was created for fourteenth year old that as just hit puberty. I worked long and hard with Mr. Rosen Long and Mr. Gray on the lay out of what my capstone would look like. I created a survey with six questions which would let us examine the causes of the problems that arise in the relationship with the parents and the teens. I tried the survey out with five freshmen girls where I tested to see how this work shop would and after hearing the feedback from the students is went exceptionally well. I then went on and said let me now try this with a bigger group. Ms. Jackson allowed me to do her freshmen girls and it was so amazing. Not only did these girls have a good time but they learnt how to make healthy relationships within their homes. Personally I think this is a good activity for freshmen advisory to do with their girls to figure why they come to school so angry and failing classes. Let us keep promoting healthy relationships for our young ladies.
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