Social Media Survival Guide

ShaiAnn DesVignes

I am a nobody online, just old presentations and a 1 week old made pinterest, with one post. The reason why I say I’m a nobody is because I have nothing or anything that anyone is interested in. My appearance online is whatever the person watching interprets of me.  I think people might perceive me of a nobody on the internet. I say this because no one will be be interested in my appearance online.  I consider if this content is appropriate for my family to see, and if I don't think i want them to see it, I consider taking it down.

     The pros of sharing online is getting your content out to the social world for them to see. If they like it they will keep sharing your content, but that can also be a con. A con is if you share something to with your  friends that you only want them to see it but then everyone see’s it.

Lack of control, permanence, and immediacy  has an impact  on our online lives because immediacy means when we put something up it goes up right away. Permanence is when you only give some people permission to view your contact. Lack of control means you do not know how to control the content you put online.

      These things can destroy your online reputation because once your content is up it makes it hard for you to take your things down.   I think it's ok for companies to do background because they need to know what their potential employe is like. You don't want to hire someone as a teacher and then their a registered child molester.

Free speech is when you are allowed to say what you want without restrictions. What protected is anything that is giving you knowledge, or appropriate content. What is not protected is anything that is offensive to  anyone regarding their life.

     An internet troll is someone who is messing with someone constantly to get a reaction out of them online. We can stop trolling by not even entertaining them just ignore them and they will stop. Pros of posting anonymously is that things wont be traced back to you. Also that you don't have your name floating around with things you don't want to claim. I don't think there is any cons for posting anonymously. My 3 tips for you online is  ~post appropriate things, stay away from internet trolls,also be aware of what you post online.

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