Social Media Survival Guide
When i’m online i’m just my self . I don’t really go on social media any more. I think, that I appear as a chill person that sometimes post random things. I am also a nice person and I think that people perceive me as chill person that doesn't post much quiet,nice,loves fashion. The pros and cons of sharing online is that your post can have a bad effect on you and your reputation and what people will think of you and a good thing is that you can express yourself on there. Lack of control can impact online lives because you can start being a different person online than you are in real life and is some one was to say that they know you it wouldn't be true. Posting whatever you want having a censor ,permanent , immediately. Free speech is expressing they way you feel about a certain topic ,something that's protected is your opinion. I don’t think anything is really protected because some things you say are not protected by the law. It's not be cause they passed the law to have the freedom to say whatever they want. A internet troll is a person that starts drama just to get a reaction,that they intentionally wanting to hurt someone through the internet, it think that some of them are attention seekers and to get reactions from people to get them to get mad and argue back. I think you can stop trolling by having a law for any type of social media for internet trolls and that it can’t be allowed. A pros is that you can post what you feel and nobody will know who you are and judge you , but they can still judge put they just don't know who that person is, Three tips that can help you online,
1.Think before you post
2. don’t be a bully in a good mood because if you post something online while your angry or anything like that then you will regret it later.
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