Spanish Reflection and Eulogy,Conversation Powerpoint,and Spanish Book

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Spanish Reflection and Eulogy-This project was fun because I had the opportunity to make a beautiful mask and and gorgeous sugar. This was also good because I was able to reflect about my great aunt,who was very close to me,death. I was able to represent her joyous spirit through the art of the mask and skull.I had a fun time honoring her death by doing this project.​
Conversation Powerpoint- This project was great because this help me understand and master ser and estar.I also believe this helped me with basic conversations in spanish. This project was submitted a day before the deadline which was a stress reliever.
Spanish Book-This was a great book. The online website that made the cartoons pictures for the book really came in handy. This booked helped me understand the importance of communication. The turnout was good either way.
