Tips For Teens

Tips for Teenagers

By: Katelynn, Kiersten, Samihah, Iris & Nick

Based on the I-Search papers that we completed on teenage development, here are some tips for teenagers to help them be happier and to help them develop in positive ways.

  1. Always find a healthy stress reliever. When you’re overwhelmed, don’t take it out on yourself; take a walk to relax yourself, draw your feelings on paper, listen to music, take a nap.

  2. Learn what may stress you out to find a healthy way to cope. Healthy coping skills are talking it out, relaxing, thinking positive, and problem solving.

  3. Try not to feel alone, there is always people who can relate.

  4. Learn how to express yourself. Take up gardening, painting, photography or any other way to express yourself.

  5. Don’t let anyone have a bias perception of you.

  6. Love yourself and don’t let other peoples negative comments bring your self esteem down.

  7. Tell someone you trust about your problems. Such as, an adviser, teacher, friend or even a family member.
