Water Pollution in Philadelphia

When I think of water pollution I think of plastic in the oceans, trash, and all of the waste that has been blown out into the water caused mostly by humans. Water pollution is the release of substances into bodies of water that makes water unsafe for human use and aquatic ecosystems. This could be caused by runoff, animal medicines, slurry, sewage sludge, and manure, Water pollution is a huge problem that affects not only animals but humans as well. The video that we’ve created allows us to identify what water pollution is, who is affected by it, and other information that was needed. I feel that overall my group did a good job with creating the information but we could have worked on time management a little bit better. The only thing I would have done differently was to think out the video more thoroughly even though it’s good there is always room for improvements. Looking back at our video there wasn’t a most meaningful part. I feel that everything we said was meaningful because water pollution gets talked about but not as much as it should. Just learning about new ways water pollution can affect many different factors was the most meaningful part.
