Who am I ONline

  My Social Media Survival Guide

1.Who are you online, and how do you appear?

1A.Well on “Social Media” websites such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram i’m a 15 yearold named Jy’Aire O’connor.Now there might be a risk for given away my exact identity but in the eyes of others they’ll see that they can trust because I tell the truth.Especially if I were to ever get a job that would really help.On websites such as google and the Social Media websites ( posted above ) in the eyes of others I would appear as a young man who takes cherishable moments and post them, a young man obsessed with videogames, or a young man who loves comedy.

2.How do you think people perceive you, based on your appearance?

2A.I think many people view me or see me as an honest person and someone who takes feelings into consideration.I say this because the stuff I usually post aren’t offensive.They’re either pics of me, with friends, or topics I talk about.Now Physically im tall and slinky but has the face and personality as a child.So some might be scared due to the height differential but as soon as they get to know me better they’ll be reassured.

3.What do you consider before posting anything online?

3A.I think about who will be offended by this or hurt.Who would feel as though i’m singling them out or talking about them directly.Sometimes these thoughts are about me also because some people hop on social media websites just to criticize.So I can’t only be thinking about others safety but mines as well.I say this because if the person was ever to criticize me and we were in an arguement and I said something rude about that person other people could be offended by that making it a whole contreversial debate.Making me look like the bad guy when in reality I was the victim.

4.What are the pros and cons of sharing online?

4A.Well the pros are you can set your page to private so no one can see, you can take down things before people can see,you can have a setting where parent filters on so no r-rated stuff can be posted and viewed by you,and if you’re a really good person who doesn’t post mean or hurtful things to others but instead post things about themselves and good things about others than if you were ever to seek a job and a boss were to check your background or social media account they would be glad to see nothing harmful was posted by you, and first impressions will be made.Cons anything you post will be saved on the internet forever,if you post harmful,and hurtful things when applying for jobs you most likely won’t get hired, people will be criticizing and trying to start stuff with you, and first impressions will be made.

5.Explain how Lack of Control, Permanence and Immediacy have an impact on our online lives.

5A.Let’s put ourselves in a scenario if you were to post something very rude,harmful,disgustingly rude,and highly disrespectful and media got to it you messed up you own life.People will be taking your words posting it online sharing it with others.These words you chose to use online will now be used against you when applying for jobs, making new friends, and first impressions.Even if “you” delete this comment it doesn’t mean you deleted it off of everybody else's page.Plus when it spreads so quick and you can’t do nothing about it you basically ruined your life. For example the college student at UCLA who jokingly made a rant against Asians.it was shared with friends supposed to be kept secret amongst them until those friends shared it with others and like a forest fire the now known or so called racist rant went viral quickly reaching everywhere and offending others (specifically Asians).The posting from other peoples pages made it permanent, the video when uploaded it spreads immediately, and the video and the student had a negative impact on her and other peoples lives.Sure she might not be racist but in that video some beg to differ.Many first impressions will be made even though we don’t know the person as well.That's another problem for all we know the UCLA student could’ve been dating a Asian and that's another con or problem we are so quick to judge but never ready to research or see from this persons pov. We let anger and dumb thoughts take over our mind and just speak for us.

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