Yarisnel/Diabetes Awareness

Diabetes is one of the leading  diseases happening all over the world.  I personally know about 5 people who have diabetes. It is because of this epidemic that I decided to do my senior project on a diabetes awareness video. Although I already know a lot about the disease eye when to doctors and nurses and people who have this disease to talk and to understand more about it.  This video was not only important but it was personal to me. As you can see in the video of my grandmother has diabetes. she also lives with me, if they're my family we all take turns helping out taking care of her giving her the proper assistant she needs. The video I don't only explain what diabetes is I give a inside as to how my grandmother got it and how it has affected her.  I also gave pointers on ways to prevent diabetes and the difference between the two types of Diabetes. I hope for this project is that people will he and get a better understanding of how diabetes worse and how to it can have such an effect on a person's life.
