Amaja Hayes Public Feed
Why do leaves change color?
Q3 project
I created this flower because i wanted to do something based on agriculture which is really different for me. My hope while creating this was to successfully make a flower on linoleum cut which is a difficult. My art shows that i worked really hard with the little details of my flower. I achieved successfully with making a design correctly with linoleum cut. This current work doesn't relate to my previous art because i used the tree color palette painting and this was only one color and white lines. I don’t think my work is as creative as contemporary art. I first drew the flower in my art book then i copied it onto the linoleum. The tools i used to cutting tools to cut the lines out and ink onto the drawing to be able to get pressed onto paper. This art piece It doesn’t really express me in a way that it could. I don’t think my work could influence anyone. A technique i learned was to make sure when you are cutting your linoleum you should make the lines not very deep and make sure you always use the iron to make is softer and easier to cut.
three color palette artist statement
Sources and inspiration for your images. Include links if applicable.
I created this art piece because i do better art with using paint and it was a challenge for me to only use three colors. My vision was to make hot and cold so one side was winter and the other side was summer. I feel like they know there is two different perspectives to my drawing based on the colors. I think i achieved at making the most colors out of only three colors. It relates to the color wheel because we made many colors using primary colors. The first thing i did when making this artwork that i made was the color mixing board with all the colors that can be made from blue white and red(which were the colors i used for this project. I don't think this art really reflects anything on my life. A technique that you can use is to know that even the littlest drop of a color can change the color that you are mixing or trying to make.
color wheel artist statement
Artist statement
I created a star even though it is not exactly a star because i think stars are pretty and simplistic. The object of the project was to see how colors mixed and see how three primary colors blue red and yellow could mix into many different colors. I used the color white in the center of my art piece because that's how all the colors started from white and you cannot make white with any colors like you can with black. My vision for the star is believe in yourself because you are a star. I expect that they will like how all my colors connect and go with each other. This project is very different from the previous projects because now we used colors and not shading. I think it fits in because i used many colors to create this. My work fits in with the history of art practice because the color wheel was used to practice on how to mix colors. I used google to look up different color wheels and shapes. I haven't been really influenced by anyone except any street artist because i like how they express themselves and i don't like how people criticize their work. I feel like this piece is the start of every art piece with color. A good technique i used for this was that i made sure i used the proper amount of color every time. This art project taught me how to create different colors with only three primary colors and i think it was beneficial because it helps with upcoming projects with color.
6 word memoir
The happy smile isn't gonna last
I feel like this expresses that life isn't always happy. I think happiness doesn't last. Because it seems like once i am happy something has to happen to ruin it. Since i was a little kid i things have been happening like deaths in the family and also good things like birthday parties and good times with family. My drawing relates to my memoir because i drew a room with two different perspectives. The two perspectives was sadness and happiness, and darkness and brightness by putting the sun in one side and the moon on the other. I also put a dark room on the darkness side.
Electric art project
I chose a heart piece because i think everyone's heart has a light. Since I was little I knew that the heart may be weak but deep down there's a light that never goes out. I think that because even the darkest person has a bright side. When I was in kindergarden i met a girl that was very shy and mean. I had to help her open up to me. Once i made her feel comfortable around me she was a really nice girl. She just had trust issues. So my sculpture gives me a good memory of how i made a good friend.
My bulbs are in series so they are dim.
Street art by Amaja & Cindy
Street art Amaja & Cindy
- What is the meaning of the work you created? The meaning of it is friendship and bonds
- What inspired your work? relationships
- Why did you choose the location you chose? Because we couldn't find a better place
- How did this project change your perception of Art? It didn't
- How did this project change your perception of Art you see as you travel around the city? It didn't change my perspective
Viajar project
poetry project
Nombre: _____________________Amaja Hayes _______________________ Clase: __C____
El/La Poeta: ______________Jose Marti_____________
Escribe (mínimo) ocho oraciones completas en español sobre el/la poeta: Por ejemplo; su vida personal o profesional, su éxito...
José Martí nació el 28 de enero de 1853 en Habana, Cuba. Nacido con padres inmigrantes españoles pobres. En una edad pequeña mostró un talento para la política revolucionaria. Comenzó a escribir a una edad temprana. En 1869 fue detenido por haber denunciado a un compañero de clase que era Pro- español y fue condenado a seis años en trabajos forzados.
Hizo una campaña por la independencia cubana. En 1892, Martí hizo un delegado del partido revolucionario cubano y comenzó a desarrollar planes para invadir su patria.
Escribe (mínimo) ocho oraciones completas en español sobre tu vida personal o académica, tu éxito...
Mi nombre es Amaja hayes yo era nacido en filadelfia. Mis padres se llaman Aquil y Lavonne. Yo tengo 15 años. Yo fui a I.C.S para escuela primaria. A mi me gusta viajar. Yo soy bilingue. A mi me gusta músico de rap y pop. Yo vivo con mi padre y con mi madrastra. A mi me gusta mascotas como perros y gatos. Yo soy en el noventa grado en una escuela que se llama S.L.A. beeber. I sujeto favorito es geometría. Yo quiero ser una enfermera en una hospital cuando crece porque a mi me gusta las ciencias de la cuerpo humano.
Incluye un poema escrito de la/del poeta en español:
A Emma - Poem by Jose Marti No sientas que te falte el don de hablar que te arrebata el cielo, no necesita tu belleza esmalte ni tu alma pura más extenso vuelo. No mires, niña mía, en tu mutismo fuente de dolores, ni llores las palabras que te digan ni las palabras que te faltan llores. Si brillan en tu faz tan dulces ojos que el alma enamorada se va en ellos, no los nublen jamás tristes enojos, que todas las mujeres de mis labios, no son una mirada de tus ojos. |
Escribe (mínimo) ocho oraciones completas en español del poema. ¿Cuales son tus reflexiones del poema? Los temas?:
La poema era sobre una niña que se llama Emma y ella no puede oír. José habla sobre que bueno ella es. El tema es sobre el animó. Yo creo que es animo porque él está dando complementos a ella. Él está diciendo que no necesitas ser triste sobre sus discapacidades. Yo creo que la poesía es muy buena porque da ánimo a personas que son inseguro sobre ellos mismos. Yo creo que es importante de decir a personas que no necesitan ser como todos para ser suficientemente bueno. En conclusión la poema es interesante y me gusta la forma en que fue escrito.
Escribe tu versión del poema en español. Necesita (mínimo) diez oraciones completas en español. (Necesita el título en español)
Brillante asi Por Amaja Hayes Inspirado de Jose Marti Eres genial no permitas que nadie decirte diferentemente Su sonrisa debe brillar como el sol infinitamente Brillas brillante como el sol en todos los sentidos solo porque eres diferente no eres indigno de amor de paz y de la brillantez no estés triste o decepcionada de quien eres Solo porque eres diferente no significa que eres nada Solo despistado no es triste o decepcionado Porque tu cara es la más hermosa por acuerdo Ahora Limpie sus ojos y deshacerse de que fruncir el ceño porque no se puede ponerte abajo otra vez. |
For this project we had to create a poem based on the theme of the poem we found from the list of writers Ms.Moran gave us.
script of the broadcast
Dia de los muertos content
college interview
Spanish book
Spanish book
conversation powerpoint
Dia de los muertos face mask
dia de los muertos
The internet and you
Social media survival guide
Online I appear as a boring person because i barely post anything on instagram. Before i post I think about If my dad should see this or not. And if this will impact me on anything. The pros and cons of sharing online are that your post can have a bad effect on you and your reputation and good thing is that you can express yourself on there. Lack of control can impact online lives because you can start being a different person online than you are in real life. I think companies should do a media background check because the potential employer will be representing you and your company. Freedom of speech is expressing the way that you feel but something that is protected is your opinion. If your statement hurts someone or a company and if it is not true it is not protected by law. An internet troll is someone who intentionally hurts someone through the internet. The goals of internet trolls are to make someone have a reaction or to hurt people's feelings. We can stop internet trolling is to have people hurt the troll back or to make a law saying that internet trolling cannot be allowed. The pros of posting online anonymously is that your identity is safe to the public but it is not safe to the authorities.