Imani Mumin Public Feed
Quarter 3 project
I created a coaster out of clay because that is something I never tried before. I wanted to try something different. When I first started I thought of making a mug but it was a bit more difficult and we didn’t have much clay. So I wanted to go for something that would cause me to use less clay. I made it for someone so I painted it one of their favorite colors but I wanted it to be more shiny to before I painted it purple I painted it with a gel paint which make it shiny. I think my work communicates that it is exactly what I was trying to make. I think they if they look at it they can tell that it is a coaster. In the process of making this I think I achieved a better creative mind. My current work doesn’t relates to my previous work because this is the first time I actually made something like this before. I think my work relates to Sterling Ruby clay work because I feel like the structure of both of our work is the same. The only thing he did differently is the color options which is more dark colors.
To create this first I had to play with the clay to make it a little more soft and wet it a little. After that I flattened I the clay to get the bottom layer of my coaster formed. I had to make sure it wasn’t too thick or too thin. After that I had to think about how I wanted to put the little wall around my bottom surface to keep cups in place when they are on my coaster. I thought about rolling it until it got skinny so that I could just wrap it around the entire bottom layer. That didn’t work so I put flat piece around it and it formed very good. I didn’t really have any inspiration I just built it off of the top of my head. I wanted to create it in my work way. My work reflects the world I live in because it shows how people can do anything a long as they put the work in. My work can make an impact on the world because it can show young artist that they can try anything they never thought that they could do. The technique I used to create my work was to make sure is wasn’t too big or too small of certain containers so I made it a size that will fit almost any jug or cup. This is also the new technique that I learned.
Women with HIV/AIDS affects on the death rate.
Imani Mumin
Mr. I
Research Paper
More than 36.6 million people in the world have been infected with HIV/AIDS and about 35 million have died from it. Many people are diagnosed with HIV/AIDS but women are drastically infected with this disease. Though over time statistics has shown that death rates due to the infection has decreased. I feel like this is an important topic to focus on because not many people in society focus on just women health. Women are all together are infected with this disease more than men. Today women are unaware of the extreme measure of this disease and I think throughout my paper they could be well informed of the this disease and how the women HIV/AIDS rate effect the death rate. Not only women but everyone should be caution of tis disease and how harmful it is.
Most people get infected with HIV/AIDS through sexually transmitted diseases but that isn’t the only way. Studies have shown that people can get infected if the virus gets inside of someone's bloods cells. You can get it through mouth, vaginal area, anus, penis or any wounds from the skin. Out of all the ways possible to get HIV/AIDS women mainly gets it from sexual intercourse. Today, of all 36.7 million people with this disease more than half are women. The website AVERT which contains global information about HIV/AIDS say that there were an estimated 380,000 new HIV infections among young women ages 15 to 49 every year. Meaning that the death rate will most likely double every year due to HIV/AIDS rates.
Back than death rates due to HIV/AIDS were higher than they are now all over the world. Based off of the graph I created on gapminder today the death rate of women have dropped largely because of new health resources and wealth. Once people gained the resources to be safe during sex and proper aid for sickness and any other diseases the death rate dropped. Also because countries are becoming wealthier which helps people pay for medical help to try to stay alive as long as possible. In the article HIV/AIDS by the website AVERT it says “Out of all 36.7 million people with AIDS today about 22.6 million die from it globally when before more than half died.” This information shows the dramatic change between the death rate between the times periods.
Women living with HIV will have the same health issues as men living with HIV but women are likely to face greater challenges. This can include trying to take care of a family, finding the best medical treatment and living with society's opinions. Although HIV/AIDS is a disease that is guaranteed to kill someone there are ways to help slow the disease's progress and prevent secondary infections and complications. In the article HIV/AIDS by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs it says “People who are getting treated for the disease are taking 3 or more drugs.” These drugs attacks the virus in their own ways but they prevent the virus from making copies of itself. This treatment may not cure the virus but it is a good way to help people enjoy the rest of their life knowing they can live a while longer.
In conclusion HIV/AIDS is a virus that have a large effect on women's lives but I they have a great support system and resources to health, money and education then they have better ways to prevent themselves from getting the virus. This is an important topic because people don’t really pay attention to how this disease have a greater effect on women than it does to men. Based off of the information I included we can see that overall women may have gained these resources because the death rate dropped which mean that less women are dying and becoming better with preventing themselves from getting HIV/AIDS.
Spooky Forest
I created the linoleum cut because I simply wanted to try something different. I felt like it was something I didn’t think I could do so I wanted to try it. I wanted to create an image that people could make up their own story from. It is an image people can interpret in their own way. I think people would mostly see it as something spooky. Something you would see in a cartoon movie where kids are trick or treating on a Halloween night and go into a forest for more of an adventure. Doing this project I think I created more of an imaginative mind for myself. I feel like my work doesn’t relate to my previous work because I feel like my previous work wasn’t much creative. I think my art relates more to David Hockney art because he did a lot of landscape art with painting of trees, woods, and towns with farms land. I feel like that is the type of art I was working towards.
Linoleum cut process was easy. First I had to sketch out an idea of what I wanted to crave and I had to make sure the image would be able to fit on the linoleum so that was challenging. After sketching the picture I had to print it on the linoleum using carbon paper. When it printed on the linoleum I then had to go over the image a black sharpie marker. Then I had to heat up the linoleum with a iron so that it would be easy to crave. The I began to carve the part of my image that wasn’t gone over with the sharpie. After I was finish craving I then had to print my image on a piece of paper using ink and a roller to roll the ink over my image so that it will print of the paper.
My inspiration while doing this picture was a picture of David Hockney’s named The Road Across the Wolds, 1997. My work reflects the world I live in because it allows artist to branch off and try things they aren’t really use to doing when it comes to art. It can make artist realize that they aren’t just creating a picture and that it is more to what they are doing. A technique that is important that I learned is drawing the image out on paper before you print it on the linoleum because it helps you be sure that the image will fit.
My work was created with more of a science art vision. I say this because I turned the color wheel idea into colorful atoms and I made my background all black. I expect people to get the idea through the circles being so close together leaving no room in between. My current world relates to my previous work because with any art piece I’ve ever created I made sure that it was some type of colorful. The whole concept of the colors is like my signature on any piece that i create.
An artist that I am influenced by is Andy Warhol because he is an artist who usually works with lots of colors. For example in his Marilyn Monroe pieces he shows how his colors affects different moods of his work. Anything that he does I try to do because he is a very unique artist who I think see things in his own way.
Imani's Quarter 4 Benchmark
Election Day Experience
Campaign Experience
On 4/26/16 I volunteered on election day helping out the Committee of Seventy for my very first time. I worked with my partner JaVon all morning talking to people and helping them with things they were unsure of. We walked around to four different polling places and collected ballots and took pictures and asked people survey questions.The first polling place we met at was on 50th & Spruce where there were lots of people standing at. Being in involved with helping with the election was a bit overwhelming because we are teenagers and don’t really know much about this stuff. We were around a lot of experienced people and didn’t want them to think that we didn’t know what we were doing. We kept calm and continued to do what we were told to do so at the end of the day we were ok. Beside being overwhelmed I felt like I was being a big help to our community and to the candidates and that was a really great feeling. Most teen don’t get the opportunity to get to put on their resume that they volunteered for an election and that is a very big deal. Even though I wasn’t receiving anything it was still a pleasure to help. I enjoyed working with my partner because we were very helpful to one another and asked each other questions we were unsure of when helping other people. The only thing we didn’t get a chance to do was take pictures with candidates because we didn’t see any out there. That was what I looked forward to the most but maybe next time. I would like to do this again some other day. The only questions I have based off of my experience today is how do I read the ballot and understand it? My second question is how do you register to vote once you reach the age of 18? My last question is how do those people get involved with being in charge of each polling place? Do they volunteer or is it an actual paying job?
Pictures During Election Experience
The first picture we took at our first polling place on 50th and Spruce.
We collected our first ballot that we didn’t know how to read at all.
How far we thought we should stand from the polling place. We didn’t want to be so close.