How The Numbers of Babies Affect A Women's Yearly Income
Maliya Edwards
You ever wonder what could affect the amount of money you make in a year? You ever wonder why you make the amount of money you do and what's stopping you from making more? There are many answers and variables that affect your annual money a year. Today we are focusing on the amount of children and the amount of people in a family effect has on the amount of money made each year. All which support the idea of the less amount of family members and children can lead you to make more money.
In the early 1800s, Ghana were having nearly 7 kids per woman. The family size was an average of 9. In the 1800s Ghana average 696 a year. Now back in the 1800s there weren't a lot of jobs and there wasn't a lot of good paying jobs. Seen below As we get further into the future, in the 1900s Ghana average family size was 8 and the average amount of children were 6. At this time the average amount of money made a year was 725. During the 1800s Ghana were going through diseases. It lowered the amount of the population. It may not show in the average size family but a lot of people died due to diseases. As we get into the 2000s, Ghana average family size went down to 6 per family and roughly about 4 to 5 children a family. At this time people in Ghana were making up to 2,270 a year. Seen below
As better jobs and vaccines came out for these diseases. As we go into the year 2015, the average family size went down to 5 and the average children per woman went down to 3 roughly 4 kids and average an amount of 4,100 a year. From the 1800s Ghana family size was 9 and average children in the family were 7, now in 2015 the average family size is 5 and children within the family is 3. Seen below
The next country we are looking at is Keyna. In the 1800s Kenya family size was 9 and average children to a family was 7. Again around this time there wasn't a lot of jobs anywhere let alone jobs that paid a good amount of money. People in kenya in the 1800s made roughly 854 a year. Seen below Compared to ghana the family and children size were about the same, although Kenya made more money a year than Ghana. As we get closer to the 1900s Kenya was another country to deal with diseases and deaths throughout the years. In 1900s Kenya family size was still roughly around 9 and children per family was still hovering around 7. The money per year did go up to 1,170 a year. At this time people in Kenya were all at work. Kids started work a very early age to support their families. As deaths started to go up, more education and better jobs were being built. In the 2000s Kenya family size was down to 7 and babies per woman down to 5. The average salary a year has also gone up to 2,140 as seen below
Kenya economy started to get better and were offering better paying jobs to the people. Seen below In 2015 Kenya family size went down to 6 per family and 4 children per woman. They were also making 2,900 a year as seen below
As the year went on Kenya people had less children and were making more money.
As we move along we take a look at the United States. In the 1800s there was 7 children to a family and average family size was 9. United States was making 2,130 a year. Seen below As we get to the 1900s, we know United States was going through slavery and wars. This made the country lose a lot of people to death and there wasn't many jobs. Most jobs were war or being a slave. In the 1900s the United States the family size plumbed down to the size of 5 to a family and roughly 4 kids to a woman. United states also made 6,820 a year. That was a big jump from 1800 to 1900. As we get closer to the 2000s, United States have gotten their freedom, have rebuild and structure the country and got better jobs. The family size went down again to 4 a family and 2 children to a woman in 2000s. They also made roughly 46,000 a year. Seen below
In 2015 the family size and children to a woman and still the same but with the country advancing in technology it made nearly 53,400 a year. Seen below
United States has and still known for the richest country in the world.
The last country we are going to look at is China. To start off China made 985 a year with a family size of 7 and children size a 5 in 1800s. Seen below In the 1900s diseases also spread through China wiped out most of its country. China family and children size were still the same trying to refill its population again. They made 894 a year, less than what they made in the 1800s. In 2000s China made roughly 3,680 a year. The children to a woa went down to 2 and family size to 4. The family size dropped very big because China passed a law saying women couldn't have more than 2 babies. Seen below
As we get to 2015 the average family size was 3 and the average kid to a woman was a 1 and they also made up to 13,400 a year seen below.
While doing this paper I realize the more kids people had the less time they spent working which mean the less money they made a year. With children you have to spend so much time taking care of them while they are young which meant you couldn't always go to work. In a lot of cases, people in these countries lost their jobs when they had a big family because they miss work too much. All in all, i do believe the less children you have the more money you will make.
The Sources I used was from the YouTube video from class and