Parker Xavaire Capstone
My original idea was to teach younger students binary so they can use it to show off. But later I changed it to just helping the 5th graders with coding instead. I teach at the Powell center which is where the other SLA is and I teach the 5th, 6th and 7th graders coding. I have been doing this project for about 2 quarters now and I kind of get the hang of how things work. Since I didn’t start a work log in quarter 2 I can’t really say anything. My work log for quarter 3 consisted of me noting down people’s progress and where they were at in terms of the assignments that I gave them which was to make a game. The website that I was using was from my computer science teacher and I have been using it ever since. I have told them to start with 3 tutorials before trying to make their own game. The first tutorial runs with the basics and what they are familiar with, which are the blocks. The second tutorial is the coding that I have been taught which is python. It’s kind of a step up from the last tutorial but it’s nothing major. The last tutorial is kind of the same as the last tutorial but it’s a different method. So for the entire marking period I have been directing and using the website so that the students can get the hang of it.