Creativity while learning causes me to want to learn more. Creativity while learning helps me learn things a lot better. To me all teachers should try to make their lessons creative. It will benefit me a lot. If teachers teach in a way that is creative and I can learn in a creative way then I will want to learn more. I feel like when I am just sitting in a boring class I feel kind of forced to learn. Meaning I don’t really want to be sitting in a boring class listening to a teacher talk, but I know that I have to if I want to pass my class. Either way though sitting through a boring class won’t help me in any way to pass a class. For example,me personally if a teacher just stands in the front of a classroom talking all day I am automatically going to zone out. Because me as a person I know that I  already have a minimal attention span so if a teacher is boring then I will let myself slowly begin to not pay attention.  An example of learning in a creative way is how Ms.Bentum laid out the mini project that I  just got finished doing. She allowed me to be creative and make a movie that I actually wanted to do. Another benefit from creating the movie was I took the information that I learned and made it a fun way for me to learn and memorize it. What I mean is I didn’t have to sit in a class and listen to a teacher talk all day and then have to recall all of the information the next day. I was able to actually  exercise my brain a lot more than what if I were to be sitting in a boring classroom.   

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