Teen Pregnancy : Public Health Concern

For our benchmark we didn’t do a skit because we felt like that wouldn’t truly inform people about our topic or it wouldn’t really help get the message across. We just chose to do a presentation explaining what our topic is which was “Teen Pregnancy”. We thought it would better to do a presentation so we could grasp the concepts better. I contributed a lot to this project. I we did equally the same amount of work. We all worked together to get the checkpoints done and coming up with different ideas for our project. Now that the project is over I do I wish I could have a video about prevention more like a commercial then a skit. Instead we chose to do a flyer. I think the most meaningful part of creating the PSA was the interview. I say the interview because my group members and I got to hear a personal experience which was nice. Teenage pregnancy is an important public health issue is because integrated action across several sectors is needed to help young women avoid unwanted pregnancy and to deal with the consequences of pregnancy whether it is wanted or not. High teenage pregnancy rates are a reflection of poor sexual health practice, which is a public health issue. Teen pregnancy have negatively impacted the economy. Nearly one-third of teen girls who have dropped out of high school cite early pregnancy or parenthood as a key reason. According to the Alliance for Excellent Education, it is estimated that over the course of his or her lifetime, a single high school dropout costs the nation approximately $260,000 in lost earnings, taxes, and productivity. Overall, from the information we’ve gotten we think is important that young ladies protect themselves. Teen pregnancy isn’t easy and if you happen to make a mistake just be responsible.

Q4 Final Benchmark Pulblic health
