Amani Sheard Public Feed
Haniah Jones & Amani Sheard Capstone
Travel Project
Poetry Project
Julia de Burgos
Amani Sheard
Nombre: Amani Sheard Clase/Banda:D
El/La Poeta: Julia de Burgos
Escribe (mínimo) ocho oraciones completas en español sobre el/la poeta: Por ejemplo; su vida personal o profesional, su éxito...
Ella fue un poeta y un activista. Ella Nació como Julia Constancia Burgos García decimoséptimo de Febrero el año 1914, en Carolina , Puerto Rico.
Su nacionalidad es Puertorriqueña. En 1936, fue miembro del partido nacionalista de Puerto Rican. Ella tiene dos escuelas lleva su nombre.
Uno de sus famosos poemas es “El Rio Grande de Loiza”. Julia desempeñó como Secretario General de las hijas de la libertad. La Universidad de Puerto Rico honró póstumamente Julia de Burgos por darle un doctorado en humanos las artes y las letras. Ella murió a la edad de treinta y nueve, en Manhattan, Nueva York. En 2011, ella fue puesta en el salón de la fama de escritores de Nueva York.
Escribe (mínimo) ocho oraciones completas en español sobre tu vida personal o académica, tu éxito...
Soy Amani sheard y tengo quince años. Soy un estudiante en Academia de Liderazgo de la Ciencia. Hago gimnasia cinco días a la semana. Yo tengo muchos de los campeonatos estatales.Yo tengo tres hermanas y un hermano. Mi papá murió cuando yo tenía trece años de edad.Mi madre es una psicólogo y una consejero escolar. Mi familia y yo somos cristianos. Mi clase favorita es salud, mi maestro favorito es señora. Moran. Quiero ser pediatra.
Incluye un poema escrito de la/del poeta en español:
Voy a hacer un rompeolas
con mi alegría pequeña...
No quiero que sepa el mar,
que por mi pecho van penas.
No quiero que toque el mar
la orilla acá de mi tierra...
Se me acabaron los sueños,
locos de sombra en la arena.
No quiero que mire el mar
luto de azul en mi senda...
(¡Eran auroras mis párpados,
cuando cruzó la tormenta!)
No quiero que llore el mar
nuevo aguacero en mi puerta...
Todos los ojos del viento
ya me lloraron por muerta.
Voy a hacer un rompeolas
con mi alegría pequeña,
leve alegría de saberme
mía la mano que cierra
No quiero que llegue el mar
hasta la sed de mi poema,
ciega en mitad de una lumbre,
rota en mitad de una ausencia
Escribe (mínimo) ocho oraciones completas en español del poema. ¿Cuales son tus reflexiones del poema? ¿Los temas?
Creo que el poema es muy bueno. Julia De Burgos ella quiere hacer un “ROMPEOLAS”. Ella quiere hacerlo con felicidad. En la poema, ella no quiere que pared para ver la tristeza. Yo sentir ella es tomando ella vida y está haciendo arte. Creo que ella vida es difícil en el momento. Ella no tiene no felicidad. Yo creo que los temas son felicidad y tristeza. Felicidad es lo que ella quiere. La mar es ella cuerpo y sentimientos. Ejemplo, ella ojos son auroras. Esta poema es profunda. Es uno que te hace pensar. Después , tengo preguntas. ¿Está sufriendo? ¿Si, porque? ¿Está muriendo ? Que puede ayudar ?
Escribe tu versión del poema en español. Necesita (mínimo) diez oraciones completas en español. (Necesita el título en español)
Tómame a la mar
Tómame a la mar
Estoy perdiendo mi felicidad
Tengo un poco izquierda
No quiero pensar
Sobre el dolor que tengo
Mi vida es acaba
Quiero ser feliz
Estoy triste
Tómame a la mar
Mi lugar feliz
Donde vida es buena
Donde yo tengo mis sueños
Donde yo no llorar
Donde no estoy roto
Tómame a la mar
On this project I think about if my grade reflects my work ethic I think does not because I do believe that I truly worked hard to do a few extra sentences here and there and to make a poem that was good. I realize that just because I did do extra sentences, that does not mean they were all correct. My grade was a meeting or approaching expectations score and that is what my sentences were, therefor I believe at the same time my grade does reflect my work ethic. I did put in work on this assignment but it was not all of good quality. I did follow the project guidelines. I did everything that was asked in the project. I do think this did impact my grade. I say this because I ,did the bare minimum for some sections. Like when I was supposed to do at least eight sentences, I did exactly eight sentences. This depending on the grammar gives me a meeting expectations score. Some obstacles I faced with this project was creating the sentences. Creating a sentence is easy but making one that exceeds expectations was challenging. Also the analyzing the poem and changing it into my own thoughts and words was hard.To better my work performance I think I need to do more than just meet expectations to boot my grade up. So stop doing the bare minimum.
Las Noticias Benchmark_Blog Upload
Conversational PowerPoint
Quarter 1_Project #2_Video Interview, Amani
Día de los Muertos
Interview with Diane Jones , by: Amani Sheard
Below is the interview I conducted with my grandmother. The interview took place May 11th, in the comfort of her own home. She was born in Philadelphia during the year 1955. Therefor she grew up during the time period of the civil rights movement. During the interview she shares a great deal of memories and personal stories. She gives her opinions and reactions of a lot of incidents that happened during the civil rights movement. Often sharing her strong emotions on specific events. She was strongly influenced by her parents and civil rights activist.
Interview/ Transcript
A.S: What is your name?
D.J- My name is Diane Jones- Roseman.
A.S: How old are you?
D.J- 60 years old.
A.S: What is your date of birth?
D.J- April 8th, 1955
A.S: Can you give brief background history about yourself?
D.J- I was born in the city of Philadelphia to my two parents. My father was a self employed painter and my mother worked half time. And I have one older sister. Grew up and went to school in the city of philadelphia. Ummm attended Temple university after High School. Uhhh I have only traveled outside of the United states once. And that was to South Africa. Well I shouldn't say once. Ive been to Africa, I’ve been to several caribbean islands. I’ve been to Canada, I’ve been to mexico. Ummm and of course I have traveled to a few states outside of pennsylvania but inside of the united states.
A.S: The civil rights movement lasted from about 1955-1968. How old were you during this period?
D.J It was between my birth and my 18th birthday. My im sorry my 8th.. right? 55..65.. 13th birthday.
A.S: How do you define civil rights?
The laws of the land applying to everyone within it regardless of their race
A.S: Was anyone in your family involved in the civil rights movement?
D.J- Movement.. umm yes everyone directly or indirectly.
A.S: Growing up during segregation, can you recall an early incident when you recognized a difference of treatment on account of color?
D.J- Uhh yes for myself personally it was at girl scout camp when I was about 10. And others of the time it was through rumors relayed verbally through their parents and television.
A.S: Describe your memories of segregation.
D.J- Umm segregation I Remember vividly stories my dad used to tell us about segregation in the united states army. Where he remembers uh being on bases in certain parts of the country and he couldn’t use the same water fountain as his white counterparts.
A.S: Have you ever personally been discriminated against because of your race?
D.J- hmmm Yea both suttley and blatantly,
A.S: How did you respond to this treatment?
D.J- My first reaction is hurt and questioning what's wrong with me, my second reaction is anger after realizing it ain't me.
A.S: What are key events you remember during that time period?
D.J- Key events… uhhh.. I would say the assassination of martin luther king, the assassination of president kennedy, the assassination of his brother, the assassination of Malcolm X, the uhh arrest and riots of different groups like the panthers and the college students against unfair treatment in the south. What else do I remember? I remember the marches the churches put together to the white house in D.C. Uhh I remember guest speakers at our church I don't remember anyone coming to school but I do remember guest speakers at church.
A.S: What did you do during the Civil Rights movement?
D.J- I was a school student so I can't say I actively participated but we used to have many discussions and debates around the table as to how the situation could be fixed. Discussions about Martin Luther King’s peaceful ways. And Malcolm X and the nation of islam and the panthers by any means necessary methods. Of course my parents being christians they leaned more towards non violence.
A.S: What was the most memorable event during the civil rights movement that affects you today?
D.J- The fact that Dr. Martin Luther king did spread nothing but word of nonviolence and equality and they still killed him. Very Violently killed him to silence him
A.S: What were the failures of the Civil Rights Movement?
D.J- I guess that the impact of it was not felt or honored as highly by the next generation.
A.S: Do you think marches, sit-ins, and other demonstrations helped or hurt the movement?
D.J- They helped
A.S: why?
D.J- It brought the issues more permanently to the surface of a lot of people attention.
A.S: Do you think that the president did everything in his power to better the situation at the time?
D.J- There were other president though. Before kennedy it might have been nixon. But umm I think he tried. He really tried that why he got killed.
A.S: What are your thoughts on nonviolence?
D.J- It .. my thoughts are ideally it would be great if problems could be solved without violence. Through out history it seems that something is as drastic as warfare for one side to win. But in any case both sides are going to lose something or someone
A.S: Are there records of civil rights activity in your community?
D.J- Sure
A.S Such as?
D.J - Well there is chapters of the NAACP. Theres uh civil unions.. uhh lawyers you can secure to um do probational civil cases. Umm what else in my community. We vote, I think that's a form of excising our civil rights. There are many voter registration drives to educate people about our rights.
A.S : Who were your civil rights heroes locally? Nationally? Why?
D.J- Malcolm X.. uhhh who else, yea I already mentioned King. I’m trying to think locally. There are many but the names slipped my mind.
A.S: Thank you
D.J- You're Welcome
My grandmother brings up a lot of topics that could have been researched. For one the assassinations of many influential people. These people include; Martin Luther king , Malcolm X, John F. Kennedy, and his brother.
Martin Luther king: Martin Luther King Jr. was killed April 4, 1968. He was killed in Memphis, Tennessee. Not too long after his, “I have a dream speech”, and before he was preparing for another one. He was killed on the balcony of his hotel room.…
Malcolm X: Malcolm was killed February 21, 1965. This was one week after his home was firebombed. He died by being shot multiple times by a group of Islam members while he was speaking at an organization in New York city.
John F Kennedy: JFK was assassinated November 22, 1963, Dallas, TX. Cause of death: Gunshot en.wi His brother Robert Kennedy was also assassinated. June 6th 1968 in Los Angeles, California.
During the interview, my grandmother brought up stories my great grandfather told her about segregation in the U.S military. During the Jim crow era, there were laws that whites and blacks could not use the same bathroom, water fountains or waiting areas as whites. My grandmother says she recalls the marches, riots and arrest of protesters. In one specific event, the marches to washington and the White house. Between 1957 and 1968 there were about 7 marches to washington. Two specific marched led and based on african Americans were:
Prayer Pilgrimage for Freedom- Ran by Martin Luther King, in attempt to having a right to vote.
March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom,_D.C.#1950.E2.80.931999
Humans of SLA Beeber: Aaliyah Ellerbee
- What was your earliest memory?
- My earliest memory was in 2004 when my brother was born. I was four years old. I felt happy because I was having a brother. Also because my mom was pregnant and my birthday was coming up.
- What was the most import lesson or lessons you have learned in life?
- Most important thing I have learned is to not trust anyone, because people tend to run their mouths even if they do not mean too. Also not to rely on anyone. For example projects.
Humans of SLA Beeber: Mr.Roy
What is your name
Matthew Roy
What is your earliest memory ?
“When I was little,about 3 years old and being in the back yard. I remember children that were the children of my mothers friend. I remember seeing a bee. A big bumble bee. It didn't sting me or anything. It is just a part I remembered.”
Who raised you growing up?
“My parents. Mother and Father. I also spent a lot of time with grandparents. They lived close in the same neighborhood as me.”
What is your favorite childhood memory?
“Playing outside. I lived in an area around the woods. So there were ponds and streams near by. And rocks.Huge rocks like the size of houses.”
How do you define yourself?
“A husband, father, teacher. By the major roles in my life.”
Where do yourself in 10 years?
“Still in education. Imagine still a teacher in the classroom. May teach a different subjects. Ultimately still teaching at SLA. Have no desire to leave SLA unless something happens that could change it.”
What are your goals in life?
“Be a good husband to my wife, helping her as she helps me. Father to my children, raising three kids that turn into good happy adults. Being a teacher and continuing to play music and do some writing.”
When you die, how do you want to be remembered?
“Someone who cared about people. Who thought a lot about the world and society and had the best interest in mind. “