Nasir Wallace Public Feed
Q1 Project
Nasir's Style Handbook
Lighting Shirt
One Point Perspective
1.) The room I drew was a open though room with basics, like windows poster , and a lamp.
2.) What I've learned from the one point perspective is how you can make drawings come to life.
3.) I am most proud of the sky scraper and a poster.
4.) I wish I could improve on my time management.
5.) Turn in checkpoints on time and, follow the directions given.
When I first realized
The Criminal Justice System
Cell Phone Use Project
This project is based off the addiction and cell phone use of all ninth grade streams.
In conclusion, the data of my peers and I are very different with checking and using our data.
You can download apps to help you with your addiction or, even by limiting your time
Click here to see the data of all ninth grade streams