Anthony & Jame Capstone
Since we are the first class to graduate we thought it would nice to honor, and show appreciation to our senior class. We started this school all of the hard work that we put in made this school into what it is now. My partner Jame and I wanted our capstone to be original, and different at the same time. Most importantly we wanted to display our creativity, that is why for our capstone we chose to build it. We did start our project later than we expected because we couldn’t come up with a design concept that we could stick with. While working on our capstone, we spent most of our time working on this during our engineering class, and after school. Considering that we started late we stayed after school longer, that way we could focus. So our process for this project was simple, physically making it was the hard part. This isn’t the first project that my partner, and I have worked on together, prior to this we both have experience. The first steps in building our capstone consisted of us building a base. Wood was the best material to use as a sturdy base. So before we could cut or do anything else we had to take measurements first, because we wanted our capstone to be a reasonable size, secondly because we needed all the pieces of the base to be proportional, and fit evenly. Once all the pieces of the base were measured, then next step was to cut. Cutting was easy since we only had to make three cuts. Now that everything was cut we nailed all the pieces together. The hardest part was next which was painting, because it was so time consuming. We coated our base with two layers of blue paint that way it would give it a smooth look, and feel. We had to pay very close attention to details because when we assembled our pieces we lined them up evenly that it would be straight. Once this was done we were pretty much finished for the most part. We plan to have the all the seniors sign our piece that we can be remembered, and display our piece.