Collin's Social Media Survival Guide
For me I only want to be online if I’m being recruited or doing something. But I’m only online due to my Instagram account. But other than that I’m not online. But if people were to see me online or on my Instagram they would see that I love basketball and I am intelligent and know what I want to have in my life. But enough about me this is a guide for you and how to survive in the social media world.
Pros and Cons of sharing online
You can share fun information to your friends
You can let anyone know how you're feeling
You can get advice/help
You can save lives if you need to
You can raise awareness
Anyone can find you
People can hack into your account
People can stalk you
You can lose vital information
You can lose your job if you post something inappropriate
How this can happenen
You have no control of where your post goes. People can screenshot and share your post to who ever they want. Your employer can find out your account and see what you're up to. Also a big thing now is memes. Someone can meme you're post and it can go viral. Like Kyra Pringle. She was a little two year old that had a genetic disorder. So her mom posted a birthday picture online not knowing that it was going to be photoshopped memed and made fun of. So be careful with your posts. People who do this are called internet trolls. Internet trolls are people who start arguments when the post upsetting things just to get attention from people. You can easily stop internet trolling by not responding. Their goal is to get a response. So don’t pay them any mind.
Another thing is not everyone wants to know every aspect of your life. Like “ I just finished going to the bathroom. Now I’m going to pick up my kids.” Also another big thing is that if you comment or post something rude, disrespectful, or racist you're employer can fire you for that. Or they may not even hire you if you didn’t get the job yet. You might think that's crazy but they have the right to do it. Would you want someone that is racist and discriminates minorities to be a police officer. I didn’t think so. So I think it’s a good thing that jobs do social media background checks.
So in conclusion these are my three tips to not get into trouble online:
Don’t respond to internet trolls
Don't post or like inappropriate content online
Don’t post every little aspect of your life
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