Social Media Survival Guide

Online I appear as a girl who has a lot social media and is associated with programs and sports such as cross country and Project Flow at the Fairmount waterworks.I think people perceive me as a busy person who looks really nice. They might perceive me as busy because i'm in a lot of programs.I consider who can be watching what I post online and people who see it might not like what I post, so i'm cautious on what I post online. A pro from sharing online is that you can get yourself out there. Some cons are that people can stalk you and you may post the wrong thing and important people might not like that. Lack of Control, Permanence, and immediacy have an impact on our online lives because when we post we're getting ourselves out there. I think social media background checks is a great idea, if I was an employer , I would like to get a feel of who I might consider hiring. Freedom of Speech is protected by the First Amendment.  Religion, speech, press, petition, and assembly are protected by the First Amendment. What isn’t protected by the First Amendment is obscenity, child pornography, true threats, fighting words, incitement to imminent lawless action, criminal solicitation or defamation. An internet troll is a person online who starts arguments and they upset people. The goals of an internet troll is to annoy people and make them mad. You can stop trolling by possibly ignoring them because that means they didn’t reach their goal of annoying you. Some pros of posting anonymously online is that people don't know it’s you and if you say something wrong they still don’t know it’s you. The cons of posting anonymously online is that you say something really good but someone can take the credit and act like they thought of it. My 3 tips for someone who uses social media is Be safe, Be cautious of what your post, and Ignore trolls.

Comments (4)

Sarah Sam (Student 2019)
Sarah Sam

I really enjoyed your blog post because you really inform people about the pros and cons about the internet. As well as stating and describing what isn't protected by the First Amendment. Good job!