
Code Title Teachers Students Location Schedule Term Course
Biology of the Human Body
BIOHB-001 Biology of the Human Body · Aziz · C Tasnim Aziz 30 309 C 2017-18: 2nd Semester Biology of the Human Body
BIOHB-002 Biology of the Human Body · Aziz · E Tasnim Aziz 33 309 E 2017-18: 2nd Semester Biology of the Human Body
BIOHB-003 Biology of the Human Body · Aziz · C Tasnim Aziz 32 310 C 2018-19:S2 Biology of the Human Body
BIOHB-004 Biology of the Human Body · Aziz · E Tasnim Aziz 33 310 E 2018-19:S2 Biology of the Human Body
BIOHB-005 Biology of the Human Body · Aziz · C/E Tasnim Aziz 1 310 C/E 2018-19:S2 Biology of the Human Body
BIOHB-006 Biology of the Human Body · Sasso-Chryst · A s2 Alexandra Sasso-Chryst 30 310 A s2 2019-20: 2nd Semester Biology of the Human Body
BIOHB-007 Biology of the Human Body · Sasso-Chryst · Y s2 Alexandra Sasso-Chryst 30 310 Y s2 2019-20: 2nd Semester Biology of the Human Body
BIOHB-008 Biology of the Human Body · Sasso-Chryst · x1 Alexandra Sasso-Chryst 26 309 x1 2021-22 Biology of the Human Body