ART 9 - Hertz - e2 Public Feed
Spiders have fangs
The meaning for my art was originally was Spiders has fangs which means That spiders are very dangerous to other creatures. Also i like spiders so i wanted to do something themed on them.
A video I saw about spiders fighting certain insects. Made me think that spiders are dangerous and watch out for their fangs if you're a preying mantis or other things smaller then the spider you're fighting
I thought of the meaning and that I want people to watch or look at my art on a t.v. or on a computer where I saw the info
I always thought highly of art and science but my perspective hasn’t changed on the matter i can see now that most people like what they do and It looks cool even if it's illegal
It shows me that every piece of modern art i see has a meaning and a purpose and shows us that the art can come in many forms and they do not need to be big structures.
We All Crack: Zion Gonzalez
- The meaning of my work is that we all crack, we have all those moments were are not are self. I used Batman and The Joker. Batman is a hero who needs to keep his calm and never cross the lines to criminal. Though the he may find himself crossing the line for a brief moment, and The Joker is his craziest villain.
- What inspired was Ben Affleck's Batman, many times in the Batman vs. Superman movie he found himself crossing the criminal line. Also in his dreams he would kill people.
- I chose the hall corner because everybody goes there so I can show off.
- It didn't really change my perspective of Art, but I was surprised when I got the project because I felt like it condones Street Art.
- As I travel around the city I see Street Art all the time. No I am not talking about tags that only bare one color and reps a gang. I am talking about actual art, certain graffiti has actual skill and people actually put time in it. Also I see the type of Street Art on the walls that people put up and it has a deeper meaning to me now.
Mulatto- Street Art
- The meaning of my art work explains the mixture of my race white and black. This symbol represents that we are one whole whether we are black, white, Asian, etc.
- What inspired my work was to be able to take race and bring it into art. With me doing this it will take the unknown necessary comments of race and difference and see it as one. As one artist known as Miss Mulatto, had a black and white parent. With her parents growing up and taking care of her was a struggle so with me creating this piece I imagining what sh faced.
- I choose this location because it was at a very high spot where people would be able to notice it.
- This project changed my perception because it took Street Art to a different level and to a different idea of Art. Instead of always using a paint brush and book, having a spray can and a street wall is the same.
- It changed because I always looked at graffiti as graffiti I never once thought thee was a story behind it or had a meaning. I believe Street Art is Art.