Tykeiah Martin's & Philamena Seal's Capstone
For the class of 2018, we had to create a final presentation for our senior year. I suggested taking part in the action with the homeless people in my city because they are in need which I see often in my community, and thought it would be a good deed to send assistance to those who are less fortunate. The first step we took was to find a location. Where we could reach out to as many individuals, therefore we selected the “Chosen 300” institution. Located in the area of our school, West Philadelphia. After we found a location we began to plan what would be next, helping those in need. The first step was to select the time and dates we were to attend this event. Chosen 300 allowed us to attend on the weekdays Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Where we attended twice a week, Wednesday, May 16, 2018, and May 20, 2018. Chosen 300 welcomed us into their community, allowing us the chance to meet their members of this fellowship. There was a particular schedule when servicing these members. First, we began to prep the food before everyone showed up and set up tables. After was cooperative bible study once we gained our audience. Then was dinner where we served the individuals different vegetables and stomach fulfilling food. I was glad to say I was apart of this experience.