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Instructional video
How to use Wevideo By:Tsion Tucho
This video is the first step to getting to know wevideo and learn how to use it. The video that I have made is very simple and it is for first time user. I use Wevideo when I want to make an informative video especially for projects. It is very simple and if I forget some tips I can click on help and automatically there would be a person explaining the process which some websites don't do. The only bad thing about Wevideo is you have to pay if you want your video to be more than 7 minutes and 30 seconds, you have to upgrade. Also, you only get that amount of minutes once a month. What I did to accomplish this video screenshot every step that would take. The process was very simple because I got to know more about Wevideo in the past years so, every step that I made is what I am an expert in. Wevideo is easy to use for anyone who wants to make a simple, easy, and cheap video.