ENGLISH 1 - Zeller - D Public Feed
Humans of SLA Beeber: Abdul
B: Where did you grow up and did you like the place?
A: I was born In West Philly, but I was mostly raised in South West.I did like the place because I made friends really fast and I lived around or within close proximity of family.
B: OK cool if you could have anything you want in the world what would it be?
A: I would want to control an element like wind or fire.Maybe even water.I would want to be super smart and have photographic memory.
B: ha ha, ok that’s cool umm my next question is somewhat personal so u don't have to answer it. How was your relationship with your parents?
A: My relationship with my parents is ok.I don’t really spend time with them, but when I do we can play and laugh.It’s ok I guess.
Humans of SLA Beeber: Zahnyah
- How do you fit into society? I feel as if in Society I’m really unique I’m not like any other girl I know like me and my associates we have so many commonalities but everyone has a different perspective on life and I just look at things differently opposed to them.
- What is your favorite memory in life? You know what to be honest with you I haven’t had my favorite memory yet and I’m not complaining whatever it is It will be something to remember for the rest of my life.
- What’s the story on your name? I got my name because my mom had to find something that had a significant meaning and went well with my last name which is Hartzog so Zahnyah Hartzog had a nice ring to it and she just stuck with it my name is me.
- What do you want to be in life? When I get older I will be a chemist coming out of MIT and I want to have my own business which would be Z incorporated.
People Of SLA@Beeber: Jame Xayasomloth
Small Background:
Jame is a 16 year old gentlemen that is Thai and Lao. Jame aswell lives in Philadelphia and attends the school of Science Leadership Academy at Beeber, as a sophomore. He claims to be a “Foodie” and likes to be active and play things like a variety of sports.
Having said that here is an Interview:
Migdalia Ocasio (M)- Interviewer
Jame Xayasomloth (J)- Interviewee
M- OK so do you want to Introduce yourself?
J- I’m Jame Xayasomloth
M- I’m not going to say that OK, so um we are going to start in the past, What would you say is your best childhood Memory?
J- My best childhood memory was when i was in six flags. It was a family vacation. Um. It was the first time i had gotten in a roller-coaster and it will be the last time.
M- Why?
J- Because i was afraid. and it gave me that sensation in your chest that i didn't like.
M- So you never want to ride another roller-coaster again?
J- No, no I'm done.
M-Can you elaborate on the fact that you went to six flags. Why was it your best childhood memory?
J- Because that was actually the first time that we as a family, a whole family had did something together and gave us a chance, you know, to reunite and you know to meet up with each other and catch up with each other, yea.
M- Is there any other reason?
J- Um, not really, no.
M- OK um so now lets do the present i got to open this paper up, what are you most proud of?
J- I am most proud of being Lao, Thai and American.
M- OK why?
J- Why because i have the best of both worlds.worlds. I'm.. at the same time I’m american so i get to experience that life and then My, my,uh My parents background being Lao and Thai I get to experience that part two.
M- Is that all you want to say?
J- Uh, yea
M- Yea okay so um so now were going to go the future and What are some of your major goals?
J- Um one I’d like to be a mechanic. Two I’d like to be an engineer. Um I’m a hands on person. I don’t mind getting my hands dirty. You know to experience new things. Like and my family we have like a whole line of mechanics. My uncle is a mechanic, my cousin, you know my grand-pop. So i just wanna carry on the tradition of being a mechanic.
M- Okay, so is there any last things you want to say i don’t know elaborate on something that you probably didn't elaborate on?
J- Um no not really.
M- Alright Oh och, BYE BYE!!!!
Here is the Audio. Play It!!
Humans of SLA Beeber: Brandon M
"Umm.... Eat... (Laugh) Eat.. (Laugh)"
Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?
"10 years from nowww... Umm.. I'll be 25"
What will you be doing when you're 25?
"Uhhh... umm.. (slience)... A Marine (laughing)"
Humans of SLA Beeber: Grandma James
Brandon: How was your childhood growing up in the South?
Grandma James: Well i had pretty decent childhood, my father was in the military so we did a little traveling with my father overseas and visited different military bases in the United State. I didn’t really experience the racial part because the bases were integrated.
B: What was the most exciting thing you’ve done?
G.J: The most exciting that i have done i should say is becoming a mother. It’s new, exciting seeing this little baby grow inside me and to she her born and then to see her grow into the woman she is today.
B: So did you like being a mother?
G.J: I enjoy being a mother i’m still a mother. Eh it get on my nerves you know a little frustrating sometimes but i enjoy being a mother. Now i am blessed to be a grandmother.
Humans of SLA Beeber: Vernika
1.What do you want to be in life as far as a person or career wise? Why?
"Well, in person I want to be a like, giver. Not so much receive because, a lot of people take stuff for granted when they receive something from people so I want to be someone that can help people a lot and be there for people. Career wise, I want to be the type of person that knows how to do things for themselves and knows how financially and everything and not have to depend on people."
2.As a person, what challenge in your life do you feel was the hardest to overcome and do you feel that is benefited you or negatively affected you?
"Okay, the challenge I think was the hardest to overcome was, when I was 8 I had to make a decision to stay and live with my dad in Virginia rather than stay with my mom who I've been growing up with for my whole life and I think that making that decision to stay with my mom benefited me because if I didn't I couldn't really tell where I would be at. I don't think I would be here and I think that had a lot of affect."
3. Is there anything in your life you would take back? If so, why?
"Something I would take is, I don't want to say who that person is but putting my trust in someone because you have to be delicate with stuff like that because sometimes people will take advantage of you because you really have to learn someone and learn who they are before you can actually say that you trust that person and put your trust in them."
Students of Sla: Ryan
• What is your earliest memory?
My earliest memory is when i found out i was moving into the city. I didn't really know how to feel about this because I loved where we lived and I liked being able to run around and play in the fields but at the same time i thought the city would be exciting and that I would be able to make more friends and have more fun.
• Whatʼs the best thing about being a teenager? The worst?
The best thing about being a teenager is you’re starting to see and become who you are/will be in the future. The worst is you have a lot to deal with and you start to have to figure how to fix most of your problems by yourself
• How would you like to be remembered?
I would like to be remembered as a person who loves his family and friends. Without family and friends you’re alone in this world and that is never a good thing.
Humans of SLA Beeber: Mya Bulgin
- What was the happiest moment of your life? "This happiest moment of my life is when I won an all expense vacation to Hawaii. Was it fun? It was amazing. I stayed at a 5 star hotel, I ate amazing food, the people are nice, and I got 3,000 dollars to spend.
- What are the most important lessons you've learned in life? I learned...who your real friends are and how to be yourself even in the most darkest times. You might be ridiculed about the things that you do, but you should just look up high and think to yourself that I'm the best that I can be. And do you think that you became the best that your can be right now? Well, not yet because I believe that I'm getting there.
- Tell me a story about your name. My mom named me after a famous poet named Maya Angelo because my mom loves Maya Angelo and I love her as well. She changed it to spell " Mya" because she wants me to have originality.
Humans of SLA Beeber: Diamond Hannah
Humans of SLA Beeber: Kobe (James)
1.What do you want to be in life as far as a person or career wise? Why?
“I just want to be someone that people look up to because I come from a place where no one really had nothing. I just want to be...I really don’t know. I want to be the best there is at computer engineering. I want Lovelace Inc. to the incorporation that everyone looks to.”
2. What is a habit you notice about yourself and where do you think it comes from?
“Being there for people you know, that s a habit I see. It comes from my mom you know, and I give her respect for that because she always there for me through everything, when I was younger, when I was a bad kid…”
3. As a person, what challenge in your life do you feel was the hardest to overcome and do you feel that is benefited you or negatively affected you?
“I would have to say being bullied and being the four-eyed in class, that was the hardest thing I could… That benefited me because look at me know.... I’m here…”