TECH 1 - Hertz - a2 Public Feed
Be GREAT online
Walk Away
Think Before You Type.
siradji diallo
A Picture is Worth A Thousand Words
LGBT youth experience cyberbullying 3x the rate than straight youth
Hurtful things you do behind a screen travel beyond it.
Choose & Post Wisely!
These days social media profiles are something many recruiters look into before hiring their employees. However, many people fail to understand that whatever they may be posting on their social media accounts can impact them in a negative manner. The image I chose represents the message I am trying to convey, which is: keep track of what you do online as it can be harmful to you later on. Many times people want to post pictures of them smoking, drinking, or anything which is negative. However, it can cause a bad impression on the company you are working for and the company does not want to hold a bad reputation. This leads to the person posting those things being fired. Being fired is not something fun and delightful, it can cause financial troubles. So, the message in this picture is that many recruiters, search you on social media platforms before hiring you. They see your previous and current activities on your profile to determine if you are worthy of the job. So, if the recruiter notices something "unsafe" they will not give you the job. Now, this applies to people who are already employed in the company as well. Recruiters often hire people to keep track of your activity on social media platforms, to know if you are causing the company to hold a bad reputation. In addition, even colleges look at your social media profiles before admitting you to their college. In conclusion, your online reputation may cause problems for your future career, so choose and post wisely as nothing is private online.
Don't judge a Cube by its Color
Online Reputation
- Term
- 2014-15.S1