

  1. Describe your project

For my Quarter 2 Art Project I created a Minesion...a mansion created in Minecraft.

  1. What knowledge did you already have about the project before you started?

I have created mansions before in MInecraft but never to the scale that I did in this case.

  1. What new skill did you want to learn coming into the project?

Creating a new height at which I can build.

  1. Did you accomplish this goal?

Yes because as Syndrome says “...Its bigger, Its better…”

  1. How do you know you accomplished the goal? If you didn’t accomplish the goal, why do you think that is?

I know because 1 block is equal to 1 meter irl. The buildings I have made previously have been about 8 by 7 blocks and 4 blocks tall, rather than what I have done with this project where the building is 13 by 12 blocks and 15 blocks tall.

  1. What other skill(s) did you learn along the way?

Scaling practice.

  1. What are you most proud of in this project?

I am most proud of the amount of detail I put into it.

  1. What would you do differently if you had to do the project over again?

Worked even more on it.

Comments (7)

Tiffany Irick (Student 2017)
Tiffany Irick

it looks nice. It looks like you spent a lot of time on this project. question, do you want to design your own home? And have you thought about building and designing homes in general