Aaliyah Ellerbee Public Feed
Aaliyah Ellerbee CapStone Project
Q3 Benchmark.. Lack of sleep
Sports Physiology Mini-Project
Food Matter Campaign by Aaliyah E & Janelle F.
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CorreoElectrónico- IncreíbleEscapadas@gmail.com Teléfono- 1-800-519-6754 Dirección - 5925 Avenida de Malvern Filadelfia, Pensilvania **Un viaje de un mil millas comienza con un solo paso** |
La Poesía Española
La Poesía Española
Aaliyah Ellerbee
Spanish 2
EL PoetA : Pablo Neruda
Soneto XVII
o te amo como si fueras rosa de sal, topacio
o flecha de claveles que propagan el fuego:
te amo como se aman ciertas cosas oscuras,
secretamente, entre la sombra y el alma.
Te amo como la planta que no florece y lleva
dentro de sí, escondida, la luz de aquellas flores,
y gracias a tu amor vive oscuro en mi cuerpo
el apretado aroma que ascendió de la tierra.
Te amo sin saber cómo, ni cuándo, ni de dónde,
te amo directamente sin problemas ni orgullo:
así te amo porque no sé amar de otra manera,
sino así de este modo en que no soy ni eres,
tan cerca que tu mano sobre mi pecho es mía,
tan cerca que se cierran tus ojos con mi sueño.
Biografía de Pablo Neftalí Ricardo Reyes Basoalto conocido como Pablo Neruda. Pablo nacer 12 Julio, 1904 en Chile. Su madre murió después del nacimiento de Pablo. Pablo pasó su infancia en Temuco cuando su padre casado de nuevo. Cuando su tenía trece años su envió a ¨La Mañana.¨ Pablo recibido su nombre de el poet Jan Neruda.Pablo Neruda el ganador del Premio Nobel por su el poema. Pablo recibir prestigioso premio. Neruda murió dos el año después del Premio Nobel en 23 de septiembre de 1973. Él ha fallecido de cáncer de próstata. La gente cree él fue envenenado. El investigación para su el caso reabrir en De enero de dos mil quince. |
Sobre Mí
Mi nombre es Aaliyah y yo soy de Filadelfia. Asisto a Science Leadership Academy en Beeber. Me encanta maquillaje y para ir de compras. Yo quiero soy un ingeniero en el futuro. Yo soy una duro trabajando estudiante. Mi la educación es muy importante. he recibí muchos premios de la vieja escuela. Yo soy muy positiva y divertida, me gusta estar alrededor de personas.
El comienza con Pablo hablando con su pareja. Pablo habla de cómo no amar a esta persona. Creo que Pablo está expresando su amor en una manera extraña. Su Comparar mucho hermoso las cosas a su. Yo el amor leyendo esta el poema. Pensar la tema del poema es amor y la identidad. Al principio, Pablo dijo su hace su amor. Pensar Pablo el medio su amors su profundo que su el aspecto.
Ahora usted sabe
De nuevo hoy nosotros dibujar el corazón alrededor su nombre.
Le digo a todos los que conozco que
¿Hago mi actions muestro pasar mucho tiempo juntos?
Le digo a todos te amo.
Le digo a todos te sabes.
¿Sabemos realmente que?
¿O estamos jugando un juego de tonto?
No pretendo a eres algo to no.
Que es la razón por qué te amo.
Cuando amas a alguien tan profundo interior.
Parece que es tan fácil de ocultar.
Nosotros son ahora uno.
Ahora Tú Sabes las Noticias
Aaliyah & Haniah - Presentadoras
Buenos Días todos y gracias para ver nuestro canal. Yo soy Aaliyah Ellerbee.
Yo soy Haniah Jones y Bienvenido a “Ahora tú Sabes las Noticias”
Haniah Qué podemos esperar en el show de hoy.
Nosotros somos explicamos el tiempo, el último moda, el salud y mucho más.
Nosotros tenemos noticia de la última hora en la conocida rapero generoso de Filadelfia respalda a la comunidad.
Ahora a usted Wesley con el tiempo Aaliyah: Hey Wesley, how’s it going.
Hola Wesley, que tal?
Gracias a todo por son con nos esta mañana. Yo soy Haniah Jones
Y yo soy Aaliyah Ellerbee. Nos vemos manana.
Ahora Tú Sabes las Noticias.
Gracias Aaliyah y Haniah. Ahora, yo hablaré sobre la predicción de clima para la semana del diecisiete de enero del dos mil dieciséis. Hoy, el diecisiete de enero, será nublado y soleado. La temperatura máximo de hoy será treinta y nueve grados y la temperatura mínimo será veintitrés grados. Ese tiempo causará este el gente sentir fríos. La semana pasada, el domingo pasado, la temperatura máximo fue sesenta y cinco grados. ¡Ese es el clima de otoño, y tibia también! Pero, todos los otros días fueron fríos, similar a esa semana. Mañana, el tiempo será prácticamente nublado, y muy frío. Por el resto de la semana, la mayoría de los días serán nublado y soleado, lo que ustedes pueden ver. Pero, en sabado, el tiempo será ventoso con nieve. Ahora, regresaré a Maddie con la última moda. Yo soy Wesley, el meteorólogo por “Ahora Tú Sabes las Noticias.” Adiós, y este tienen una buena semana.
Gracias por el informe del tiempo Wesley, porque ahora finalmente podemos poner nuestro abrigos del invierno, las bufandas, los sombreros y los guantes. Todavia estoy molesto porque no tenemos una Navidad blanca pero estoy feliz de sacar mi moda del invierno. El invierno pasado vimos un montón de Gabardinas de distintos colores. Dos mil dieciséis está trayendo una nueva moda. La chaqueta de cuero. Hay una gran variedad de estilos para esta capa particular, mirando el clima yo quiero decir va para los estilos más calientes. El estilo del chaqueta de cuero se ve mejor con vaqueros ajustados o pantis. Ahora para qué debes llevar ¡La Ropa de gamuza está en todas partes! Estamos viendo vestidos gamuza, faldas, chaquetas - hasta zapatos! En el invierno nosotros llevamos botas pero la rodilla Botas las botas de gamuza están de la moda! Si quieres un calzado a ropa más informal converse blanco es la mejor opción. Estos zapatos son cómodos y lindos con muchos estilos. especialmente con una franela bien. Me llamo Madeline Kelly, con la moda, Gracias por ver, Ahora Tú Sabes las Noticias, volva a Aaliyah y Haniah.
Un nuevo estudio de administradores de salud mostra que carne magra no es dañino. Ahora nutricionistas están sospechosa del consumo de azúcar y sal.
Azúcar y sal pueden provocar la acumulación de grasa corporal adentro el cuerpo. Claro, este es más notable en el estómago, pero el efectos son más serios que engordarse.
Todos los azúcares y sal que nosotros comemos podía crear hipertensión y causa fatiga, mareo, y en casos intensos gentes pueden desmayarse.
Necesitan apegar con comidas más sano. Observer que ustedes comen. Ahora a Aaliyah.
http://www.philly.com/philly/health/20160107_ap_ce89612164674c11adbb1cecb260463f.html Script
El rapero famoso Meek Mill aprovecha su situación de prohibición con una invierno sorpresa para alguno adolescentes. Él junto con Michael Blackson, un comediante, y Bryshere Gray, un actor famoso por su papel en la programa Empire hicieron visitas en Filadelfia. Ellos son todo oríundo de Filadelfia. Las estrellas visitaron el Vivienda del Parque de Wilson y Y.E.S. hospicio. Ellos visitaron el Centro de Servicios Por Juveniles y hablaron con los adolescentes también.
Children Book
College Interview Video
Spanish 2 Quarter 1_Benchmark_Día de los Muerto
Spanish 2 Quarter 1_Benchmark_Día de los Muerto
Aaliyah Ellerbee
The project was to write about someone who passed also celebrating Día de los muertos. We had to go in depth answering all questions with heart felt answers. We had to create sugar skulls and mask reflecting the person either looking like the person or with the favorite things. We were able to learn about the day of the dead or Día de los muertos. Also we learned new vocabulary and when day of the dead occurs. I did my project on my dad who recently passed it was't as bad as I thought.
I am dedicating my skull mask to my Step Father that passed recently.The person that passed away was my Step Dad (Abdul). This person was a positive father figure to
me. He showed me hard work and dedication pays off. Even if he didn’t do everything by the book he showed me how to become independent and don’t depend on anyone. My dad taught me do not allow anyone ever to walk over you have a voice at all times, “Closed mouths don’t get fed”. I decided to create my sugar skull for my Dad because he passed this September. He was a big impact in my life, he showed me that education gets you far in life. I say that he demonstrated that school and education will get you far because he only went to school until 6th grade. My father was a successful businessman. He did very well to only have elementary school education. My dad had many real estates companies everything wasn’t always legal or properly handled. but didn’t know how to alot of Always treat people how you want to be treated because Karma is real. The passing of my dad impacted my mom in negative way because she often misses him. My father's passing left a hole in my family even though he and my mom weren’t married he was still a father figure. It is a hole that my brother, my mom and I have will try to fill, in our own ways. For years I have coped with the loss of my father by dedicating very little time to thinking about it. Though this method may seem heartless, it works for me.
On September 28, 2015 I attended my dad’s funeral. This was one of the hardest day in my life, I would never in a million years expected to be burying my Dad. At my dad’s Janazah it was bittersweet. I was able to see him peacefully rest one last time. I was able to see how much of an impact my dad made in people's lives. I loved being my dad’s daughter he helped raised me. He was apart of my life for majority of my life. Most knew my dad by “Abdul Mateen”.
You will Never ever meet a greater man, a man who was lived by his values. My father was taught by experience . His method was simple. He always did favor even if no one returned the favor.I admired my dad because of the kind of father and man he was to my brother and I. Yes, he loved us very much. He also instilled in us a core value system that defined who we were. My dad was a man who kept promises.
Things that my dad taught me are savor and cherish every moment. Savor every moment you have together. Some day hanging out with my dad won’t be that interesting. Life happens pretty fast. cherish it while you can. It’s never too early to start teaching me about money. She will still probably suck you dry as a teenager. My dad means everything to me. Dad, words cannot express how much I adore and treasure you. You are one of the best things that ever happened to me, you were such a great father figure at a young age taught me how to be my own person. You were a good husband and father figure. You help raise me in the way of Allah beliefs, taught me how to believe in myself, you taught me the morals I need. You have been my source of joy and inspiration. My dad has seen me grow up from the age 4 on up.
What Commemorate means to me is honoring and showing respect to someone who has passed. What the Definition of commemorate means to my mom is to honor a person memory and treasure the moments you share. How do you or your family commemorate the passing of a loved one? This could be the wake, funeral and/or anniversary of their passing. In the passing of my father we had janazah which is relatively similar to a funeral but much shorter in time. In the Islam religion you are not to mourn over the death of someone near in public you are not suppose to have candle lights. So for our family we prayed and said the Shahadah. My mask reflects my dad because it has the components of his life. My dad owned many businesses such as clubs, construction company, real estate and car dealerships. My father was all about his business.
How does your sugar skull reflect this person? I believe that my sugar skull reflects my dad because he was very flashy person. I used the glitter to show his flashiness also the color green because he was “ about his business”. I think that the sugar skull represented him
because I wrote in Arabic “Family” which he cared deeply about. Family is all you have at the end of the day. Another way the skull is a representation of him is because I have the Islam symbol which is a crescent and star. To show his religion and love for Allah. My dad was a proud Muslim. Islam is the right religion and he was on the right path. Now you are with Allah everything belongs to allah 'To Allah we belong and to Him is our return (Inna lillaahi wa inna ilayhi Raaji'oon).
I think my video reflects my dad because, I have pictures edited to look as if he was all over the world. I did this because he did like to travel so this depicts that. I also added many pictures of his religion which is Islam. My dad loved and enjoyed his religion even though sometimes he didn’t do everything correctly he still has a strong Muslim man. In my slideshow of pictures I have a video of my dad showing off his new car saying “You can’t rent these”. My dad was a very flashy guy. He worked for his success, but he did cheat people and did many of his clients wrong.
How has “Día de Los Muertos” opened your mind up to celebrating the passing of loved ones?Día de Los Muertos has helped me think all of the positive things my father has done and the impact he had in my life. This day brings to my mind that my dad who passed away and left a mark in my heart. This is my first time actually celebrating Día de Los Muertos but, Dia de Los Muertos for me now is a time when I stop and reflect on my dad . I reflect on his love, and friendship and how it helped me to get where I am and become the person I am. I will try to always honor his life and cherish our memories and making my dad proud I know he is watching over me.
Yo soy Aaliyah Ellerbee. Yo estoy quince años de edad. Estoy hablando de mi papa
El , señor Abdul Mateen , mi padrastro .
Él estuvo un empresario
Mi Papá fue muy cómico y absurdo
Mi Papa tuvo bastante hijos
El amor de la familia
Mi papa disfrutar dinero
Él siempre mirar molesto
Mi papi abdul estuvo de Filadelfia
Él disfrutado de ir de compras
Él fue estricto
Mi papá disfrutar a viajar
Mi papá era un gran trabajador
Yo estoy en Filadelfia
Yo soy en mentalidad positiva
Yo respeto mi papá y amor le
Esta proyecto mi hacer triste
Ayúdame pensar de bien tiempo
Yo estoy al corriente a valor mi vida.
Él está con Allah.
Yo creo que Acerca de mi papa
Su ejemplo mi inspira
Eres el mejor papá del mundo
Gracias por estar siempre ahí cuando te necesito
Gracias por todo
Porque siempre estás ahí.
Por ser modelo en mi vida.
Amor Tú Por siempre creer en mí.
A Dios gracias por ser mi padre.
Papá Eres lo mejor!
Yo honor mi papa
El fin
Oral History Project: With my Grandma (Chestine Gorley-Haddad)
During the interview on April 29,2015. My grandmother and I spoke on the topic of her childhood and how she really never seen or experienced racism. The audio first started off with the few questions I had as it went on she spoke on how she didn't care for racism because race didn't play a big part in her life. She witnessed a lot horrible things but only in the south, she never backed down when there was a problem with race. She also talked about how she lived in majority white / Jewish neighborhood. Her best friend was white she went to a school name Stokley which is no longer existence but she did attend Benedict College that’s when she started to see the racism existed. As an young adult she helped in her community with the Strawberry Mansion Civic.
Promoting place- Strawberry Mansion neighborhood and environs... Pride of place and connecting opportunities ... "building bridges". In this document I found for the planes of ‘The strawberry Mansion Neighborhood Association “ it gave what they were about and why they did it. The Strawberry Mansion neighborhood was the first area to receive neighborhood planning support and to complete the planning process through the issuance of this document. The planning process has involved the residents of Strawberry Mansion and community input has been a key component in this process. Several community meetings were held with area residents at Strawberry Mansion High School where citizen comments were documented. Informational reports and presentations were also given at these meetings in order to facilitate discussion and ideas to support the plan.
“The Jewish history of Strawberry Mansion is documented in the book, Strawberry Mansion: The Jewish Community of North Philadelphia, by Allen Meyers” talked about the neighborhood my grandmother lived in the 50 and 60’sTRANSCRIPT
A.E:What is your name
Grand: Chestine
A.E: when were you born ?
Grand:March 14th 1949
A.E:where were you born
Grand: Philadelphia Pennsylvania Hahnemann hospital
A.E:what were your parents like
Grand: umm my mom was born in Georgia my dad was born in New York uhh we came from a middle class background both parents worked were my mother worked as a cafeteria cook Philadelphia School District
A.E ok so what was your spouse and children
Grand: Uhh My husband name was Gerald he was and uh elementary school teacher I was a uhh secondary school teacher uh I taught health and physical education in the Philadelphia school district uhh I have 3 children uhh they attended Greenwood elementary school year end 1980 we moved to Los Angeles California uhh there I taught Linwood school district my husband uhh taught in the private sector un in California. My children attended a private school in California as they became of older uh, one attended bale high school the one attended Inglewood high school and one child went to long beach Polly high school .
A.E: okay so what is your religion ?
Grand: I'm a muslim
A.E : okay did you ever have any community involvement?
Grand : Yes umm in college in uhh as an adult work with the Strawberry Mansion Civic Association uh we did a lot of community project uh which involved teenagers umm, I taught dance kids in my neighborhood and we did a lot physical activities within the neighborhood
A.E : Okay what was it like growing up during the civil rights era?
Grand: umm uh for me growing up in the Strawberry Mansion area It was an area uhh I guess uhh I guess during the early 50's uhh it was an integrated neighbor hood actually one of my best friends was an Caucasian her name was Ann I remember her so vividly because uhh the neighbor which I lived was mixed black, white uh primary a Jewish community and so I didn't see too much uh segregation until I attended college in Columbia South Carolina. Benedict College I first saw a sign that said colored only which to me a back because I never experienced that before, so that was strange uh setting uh I didn't realize it was segregation until I went to College Uh I attended an all black high school in Philadelphia color was never really an issue I never thought about color or segregation you know as i said until I went to college that's when I begin to see uh difference in in the world
Grand: Anything else?
SourceZora Neale Hurston
Humans Of SLA Beeber - Amani S.
Amani Sheard interview
What are your aspirations in life? My aspirations in life is to graduate from college and become a Pediatrician
Who motivates you? My Friend motivate me to be better and its always a healthy competition.
Are both parents in your life? No father died.
Is it hard for you to forgive people that have done wrong by you.
How do you think others see you?
Humans Of SLA Beeber: Jordan
Interviewer: Jordan
How many siblings do you have ?I have ten siblings but I only live with two.
What do you do on your free time?In my free time I read and play squash.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?In ten years I see myself coming out of medical school and hopefully having a job in the medical field already waiting for me. If not a job, an internship to help me make connection in the medical field. I would also like to be in a relationship and maybe close to marriage.
What are your aspirations in life?My aspirations in life are to become an oncologist, to get married and have a family, and to live comfortably.
Who motivates you? My grandmother motivates me. Also the people that doubt that I can make my dreams come true motivate me.
Are both parents in your life? Both of my parents are in my life but I don't see my father as often as I see my mother.
Is it hard for you to forgive people that have done wrong by you?Yes it is hard for me to forgive people who have done me wrong to me and if I do forgive them most of the time the relationship won't be the same.
How do you think others see you?I think other people see me as someone that speaks my mind and maybe sometimes too much. I think they would also say that I'm an honest person. They would also say I try to make sure everything is fair and equal with everyone.
Shaelin Nixon
Have you ever been through some emotionally difficult times?
yes, school emotionally hurts me i get upset at my grades, time and due dates for assignments its frustrating
.Are both of your parents involved in your life
my dad wasn't at first because he was in jail but he is now so yes they are
Are your parents together?
.Who do you live with?
my mom
.Did someone ever beat you up?
yes my little brother he push me down the steps and then started beating me up
How many siblings do you have?
I have 8 siblings
Who do you think you are as a person?
Thats a question i don't know how to answer that
Who do you know you're not?
I am not a bully nor a bad child neither am i a follower
Tips For Teens
Tips for Teenagers
By: Salina, Ashton, Tyrone & Aaliyah
Based on the I-Search papers that we completed on teenage development, here are some tips for teenagers to help them be happier and to help them develop in positive ways.
1. Have a positive father figure in your life to help build self esteem and show you to develop a good relationship.
2. You should never take for granted of what your parent is trying to instill in you for a life lesson.
3. Don’t watch and Listen to things that will affect the way you act watch and listen to things that will have positive effect on you.
4.Don’t get into fights or conflicts with your parents regardless of the reason.Women In Engineering Info-Graph
For this project we had to create an art piece in which we incorporate a circuit that will electrically light up, using one battery. So we (Amani and Aaliyah) came up with a “Hashtag Unbothered” theme. What is Hashtag Unbothered? Hashtag Unbothered is a very popular hashtag used on social media, especially twitter. The term is usually used with females and means showing or feeling a lack of concern about or interest in something. In our opinion, this project shows a lot about the both of us, because if its negative or against something I believe or care about I don’t feel the need to care.This also shows that we are very into social media which is why we are using very popular terminology. This shows that we are very creative with the idea. Lastly, this is one of Aaliyah’s favorite hashtags on the internet right now.
For the project we will use cardboard as our main piece. The hashtag part of the project will light up with light bulbs. We will have 6 bulbs that light up. First we will cut out and paint the piece of cardboard before writing out hash tag unbothered. Then we will figure out the placement of the bulbs and how the will would make it light up. Next we will begin to play around with lights until we were able to create a circuit that will be able to light up. We want to create a parallel circuit. After finding a way to light it we will put holes in the hashtag and that's where the lights will light up and be shown. Finally we will have to secure our circuit to the back of the project.
"Be yourself because everyone else is taken."
Blog Post: Express Myself! Videos Publication and Promotion
What did we learn in this unit? What new learning or knowledge does this video represent?
We learned that all our classmates are very similar in ways, such as sports and the arts. A lot of our classmates are very talented in drawing, singing, and dance. We learned about how race impacts our life. We also learned that Christian, Islam, and Atheism were the top three religions in this class. We learned how to define ourselves and how to define each other. In our video we wanted to explain that you can be yourself and never let society pressure you to change.
Summary: What we did in our video was to first show the sports: basketball and football that Shadiyah and Shamir are interested in. Next we showed that Aaliyah wants be an engineer. Then we showed what Ivana and Ashton were interested in, which was art. Lastly we showed how we collaborated. People are individuals. We have our own sense of style and music. People express themselves because humans are social beings, who want to know about other people, and want others to know about them. This is why we speak and write. Sometimes other things, such as poetry, music and drawing, are more effective ways of expressing themselves. Playing sports lets you express yourself in a physical way. There are plenty of opportunities to yell or feel elated when things go well. Team sports allow you to express yourself and combine your energy with others both in verbal and non-verbal ways. In conclusion , be yourself and don’t let any-one change who you are.
It is important to express yourself because it will let people know who you are and get people to like you. Most of us spend our days walking around with our noses buried in our smart phones. And while we're doing that, we're tuning out the people who are actually in the same room as us. We seem to have long ago crossed the line as to where doing this stuff is appropriate In this video I showed my life in a 1 min video. My life constants the love I have for bio-engineering , family , my religion and much more. My life is so fun and exciting in the video it should i’m not just a normal student. I usually go to school 6 days a week and 3x the homework for my coding and engineering classes. But its all worth it I always have fun at the end of the day .