Amin Robinson Public Feed
New Millennium Art
Q4 Benchmark INDIVIDUAL final submission By Amin Robinson
Q3 Final Project: Mixed Media; Sprig of Rue
Art Project- Fire Golem
January 22, 2017
Mrs. Marybeth Hertz
Hi I am Amin Robinson and I am the creator of the Fire Golem as seen in the picture below. As you can see it is not my best work, nor is it my first idea. My original ideas were going to be an abstract clock, then it was going to be a heart and then my last idea became this creature. The reason of its creature was because I wanted to show people what exactly I imagine in my head and how every random thought I have becomes a reality on paper.
AMIN ROBINSON-Artist Statement
I created my work because I felt like a triangle was the most easiest way to convey colors in a broad spectrum. I felt my overall vision didn’t come out the way I felt but I did mixed the colors twice. I would expect harsh criticism and good advice of design choices from my audiences and viewers. My current ART work relates to my old one very differently because I was very creative back then and actually into art. My work fits within the current contemporary art very well because people seems to be basing the world on shapes and colors now and days using more shapes to create pieces.
My work fits in with the history of art practice because obviously people have an imagination. My work fits within a series of abstract projects I have done before because it was all in abstract way of conveying colors and shapes. My inspirations was for my idea of conveying a space prism of UV color spectrum. I am not really influenced by any artist but I do think that all artists have gifts that they must keep.