Q4 Dior Seidle's Artwork
For my artwork, I was inspired to create a silhouette drawing that I got inspiration from Kara Walker. I drew a women with long curly hair that is surrounded by a colorful and bright background. I wanted to make a contrasting theme. I want to communicate the piece by showing how a person’s environment is what brings color to oneself and I feel like I did that really well for the piece. To create this, I have made it with pencils, erasers, spray on adhesive, tracing paper, micron pens, watercolors and acrylic paint. I sketched everything with the pencils and and touched it with the eraser for the centerpiece. I then painted it with black & white acrylic paint. I then used thick paper to draw the design for the background, outline it with a micron pen after coloring it with the water color. After paint the rest of the piece, I used the spray on adhesive to attach the cut outs of the water color piece. I found that I really enjoy the silhouette drawing with a colorful background. I feel like it’s a style that i really enjoy.
My process was honestly easy to follow. I know I wanted to draw a person with flowing hair and and mostly gained some inspiration from the movie Pocahontas for the song color in the wind. I took the song title literally though. IK drew a girl with flowing hair and created a colorful background. This made me want to create something light and colorful to fit the image that I wanted.For the watercolor, I learned that less water was better for the color to flow on the paper. It made the color look more smooth. I learned how to use the spray on adhesive for the first time if I even decide to do it again. I’m proud of the overall outcome of it. I feel like it looks really good and I improved from the last time I did this. I wouldn’t change anything at all for this drawing because. In conclusion, I feel like I learned how to get more confident with doing silhouette drawings. I feel like this can be one of my styles for when I draw just like Kara Walker. I won’t always draw this but then at the same time it isn’t a style I would do all the time.