Nzinga Hutchinson Capstone
For my project, I made a book of short stories and poetry. The reason I chose this specific way to do my project is because writing is definitely one of my stronger points and one of my passions other than music. Poetry is a creative way for me to express myself using words when I can’t adequately verbalize my feelings to others and the world. When I met up with my mentor Ms. Fanning, I had told her that I wanted to make a book of short stories and poetry. She helped and guided me through making it. At first, she had suggested that I make a Chicken Soup for the Soul kind of book and I agreed with her on that suggestion but I just figured to make a chapbook. A chapbook is a small book ranging from 20-40 pages consisting of poems and short stories. I chose this simply for the fact that it aligns with my strengths and it was fun. This has made me learn how to expressively and creatively use words and structure them the way I want to help express my emotions and experiences to others. Annotated Bib.: