Greg Alston/Samir Smith SLA Guy Code
SLA guy code, a capstone tradition started by Greg and I during our senior year here at SLA Beeber. This is the first episode of this tradition we hope to start. Basically, using MTV’s guy code series as a reference, we created our own guy code pertaining to SLA Beeber and the things that go on in our school and amongst our graduating class. The class of 2017, the upcoming and very first graduating class of SLA Beeber, most of us have been here since the start of the school itself and others came to fill in as time went on. Most of the people that Greg and I chose to interview and include in our capstone were seniors who have been here since day one. We referenced a few topics that we came to agree that all students had something to say about and topics that were completely relevant and ongoing in our school. Although SLA isn't your average school, there are just some things that we have in common with other schools. In this episode you will get to hear students speak their minds and address the given topics, which were picked so that they sparked interest and made the students want to speak on them. This capstone has no filter, being as though we told everyone to speak their mind and be genuine, but there is no name dropping allowed. We had to make sure that no one's reputation was desecrated. Viewers Discretion Advised. (Annotated Bibliography)