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Humans Of Sla"David"
Humans of SLA Beeber: Asti
Me: Describe your perfect day ?
A: The perfect day us any day where i am engaged in activities that makes me happy and allows me to enjoy myself with no worries.
Me: If you could travel anywhere in the world where would it be and why?
A:if i could travel anywhere , I would travel to the Bahamas or Jamaica for the beautiful scenery , clear water and experiences. oh yeah it’s just simply gorgeous.
Me: What is your favorite memory ?
A : My favorite memory is going out once every six weeks after my finals to eat at Yummy’s with my best friend and my mother.
Humans of SLA Beeber: My Mom
Do you think that affected your life in any type of way?
Yea. If I payed attention in school as I child I wouldn’t be in the position i’m in now. I think not going to school and being careless about my education destroyed my chances of achieving my goals and dreams.
How do you feel about my position as far as education?
As I always tell you, i’m proud of you. I am happy to see you doing something I wish I could’ve done. The stuff I hear you are learning and doing is stuff i’ve never done before. You are on the right track in life.
Is there any messages you would like to say?
Umm, education is your life. To anyone who is playing and not taking school seriously, you should. I didn’t do good in school and now I wish I could go back to do it over again. Life is more than fun and games. Education will take you anywhere you want in life.
Humans Of SLA@Beeber
Ryan's Interview (my dad)
What is your favorite memory of me? Why? Are there any other memories that come close to being as good as this one? If so what is it?
I don't have any one particular memory because I think there is definitely a lot of times we done things together or life experiences that were enjoyable And i honestly don't want to pick any one favorite one I think that is half that fun of it is experiencing life and seeing all of the times that are good and there are so many that stand out that there isn't one really big one.
If there was one moment in your life that you wish you could experience again what would it be? Why? Are there any other moments that you wish you could re live? if so what are they
I think this answer will be probably similar to the first which is that I'm a firm believer in having experiences and i think a lot of times it good to go out in the world and see things and feel things and experience things and I think that those types of interactions with the world color who we are and make us the type of person that we are. And I feel like the older that we get the more our memories adjust based on every new memory and every year things get older. I don't necessarily want to experience any again because I feel that would change how I remember it or it might not be as good or wonderful or interesting; or the way that I remember is how it influences me now and that is what I want to remember.
If you had a chance to go back in your lifetime and change one that that you did what would it be? Why? Are there any more instances that you wish you could have changed? If so what are they?
I think that one thing is not one specific moment but it is an attitude. And its an attitude about how I felt about school particularly while I was in high school; I think one of the biggest things I would go back and change is how I felt while I was in high school I wish I had done more better work you know and strived to go above and beyond because i was an example of that smart kid who thought you know if I do that little bit I'm smart enough to get by, great. But realistically that's all that's going to ever happen in your life you are just going to continue to get by, never be more do more until you do more and become more in high school.• What is your earliest memory?
Being born
• Whatʼs the most exciting thing youʼve done?
Swimming with sharks or eating
• What are the most important lessons youʼve learned in life?
Get good grades and go to college. Don’t smoke or drink.
Humans of Sla@Beeber: Zack
Michael: If you had one wish what would you wish for? Do not wish for more wishes you greedy person!
Zack: If I had one wish I would wish for enough money for myself and my family to live the rest of our lives not having to work. I wish this because I care about my family and I want them to be able to not worry about money and do what they want when they retire. I also wish this because I am lazy.
Michael: Can you describe that time in your life when you have been scared to death?
Zack: There has never been a time in my life where I have been scared to death, but I am scared of heights and I still haven’t really overcome that.
Michael: What is your perfect day?
Zack: My perfect day is sitting at home, not worry about any assignments or projects and being able to relax and be with my family.
Humans of SLA Beeber: Khia
Interview with Khia:
Question 1:
Interviewer: How do you fit into society?
Khia: I don’t.
Question 2:
Interviewer: What is your favorite memory in life?
Khia: (pauses) Recent?
Interviewer: Yes
Khia: When i got accepted to CAPA
Question 3:
Interviewer: What is a story about your name?
Khia: Well… I was on Facebook, and, (laughs) I saw this picture that said um, “Google your name” and then next to it “MEME”. So, I… I Googled “Khia MEME”, and, went on images, and, I was (laughing) disappointed to see, that it was the lady who sings “My Neck, My Back”, … (both laughing) Her name is also khia. (Me laughing) We share the same name. (Both laughing) I got upset.
Humans of SLA Beeber: Morgan
Whatʼs the best thing about being a teenager? The worst?
The best thing about being a teenager is not have all the responsibilities as an adult and having some freedom , and the worst things is not being taken seriously and not having to do what we are expected to do.
Describe your perfect day?
Being with my best friends and not doing anything specific, just having fun with my best friends
How would you like to be remembered?
I wanna be remembered for being a good person and being appreciated
What do you want to be when you grown up?
I don’t know exactly want I want to be, but something to do with animals like a marine biologist and zoologist.
Humans Of Sla@Beeber: Nina
Humans to SLA Beeber: Shawn's Mom
What the most important lessons you’ve learned in life?
“To pay attention, focus, listen, and respect others. The reason is because without these key elements, you can’t make it in life.”
2) Describe your perfect day.
“A spring day where birds are flying, kids are playing and flying kites. Also, people are having picnics under a rainbow and people are laughing while they get along with each other.”
3) How would you like to be remembered?
“I would like to be remembered as honest, hard-working, trustworthy, reliable, giving, caring individual. I would also like to be remembered as a role model for my son, who I love so dearly.”tips for teens
Tips for Teenagers
By: Zack Waxler (3), Brandon Miranda (4), Taylor Simmons (1), Chloe Bartlett (2) and Mya Bulgin (5)
Based on the I-Search papers that we completed on teenage development, here are some tips for teenagers to help them be happier and to help them develop in positive ways.
Don’t trust people too much because sometimes that overwhelming sense of trust can come back to hurt you. `
It’s not your fault, so don’t blame yourself. If someone in your life is having a hard time getting through life, you might blame yourself and think that you are the reason why they are having a hard time. Don’t do that.
Getting appeal from your peers isn’t as important as you think, don’t have that as your top priority in life.
Do not be influenced by those who will make you unsuccessful. Remember that most of people (that aren’t your parents) that you look up to could be the reason why you are losing the capability of achieving what you want.
- Find your own identity and be proud of who your are.