SPANISH 2 - Moran - D Public Feed
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Spanish 2 Dia de los Muertos
Dia de los Muertos
Hello my name is kahsir and today I’m gonna talk about somebody that meant a lot to me. first I would like to say we were not related but he was so close to my family he was called our cousin. Dave is from Philadelphia and I believe he has lived here his whole life. He was our neighbor that is how my family became so close to him. I hung out with younger brother a lot that is how I knew Dave. I would describe him as funny, intelligent, and artistic. Dave meant a lot to me and my family, I looked up towards him as a role model. He was a big part of our lives and now that he is not here it feels weird. I decided to make a sugar skull dedicated to him because he is the only person I really knew who died. Growing up I was not that close with my real family so dave was the only choice I saw. I did not know his favorite colors so I just used the brightest colors I saw. My sugar skull is bright and vibrant and that is how I saw him, a bold person who stood out. Días de los muertos has helped me remember him more vivid like he was here just yesterday. If I celebrate Días de los muertos I believe I would remember dave like he is still here for the rest of my life.
Hola mi llamo es kahsir y yo soy aquí a conto tú sobre mi primo dave. Dave es de germantown en FiladelFia. Él fue un muy cierra amigo a mi familia. Tan cierra nosotro llamos él nuestro primo. Dave fue inteligente, gracioso y artístico. Él fue enterró en germantown. Cuando él murió mi familia fueron muy triste. Él murió el día antes él fue partida lejos a escuela. Si él fue sigo vivo él habría termina maravilloso cosas con su vida. Yo deseo él fue sigo vivo a vive el descansa de su vive.