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Jahzaire's Survival Guide for Online
Hello viewers,
Welcome to my Survival guide while online.I am Jahzaire Sutton and when i am online i am a person that is mindful of what i do. When i say that i mean that i am mindful of what i do like if i am on Instagram and i post something, I do my best to make sure that what i post isn’t offending anybody specifically. When i am on Instagram i post things that make me laugh and things that i think are true to me. When i am online i appear to be who i am nothing more nothing less. I appear as Jahzaire Sutton. I think that people perceive me as a person that is innocent to a degree because of what i post or do on public social media. Before i post something online the first thing that goes through my mind is is this appropriate for my page because my mom tells me to be mindful of what i post or there will be Negative consequences for my negative actions. So i consider how appropriateness of the things that i post. Some Pros of to being online is that you get to you get to communicate with people without being face to face using apps or websites like g mail or Skype. Another Pro for sharing online is that you have easy access to information that you may be required for something like a school project or if you were looking for a job/career that you wanted to do. Some Cons to sharing online is that you can’t trust all of the information that you see like sometimes Wikipedia puts false information about topics because they have this thing where you edit the information that is put onto the certain topic. Another Con about being online is that sometimes when you get friend/follow requests from people that you don’t know they could be stalkers which is not something that you want. When you are online you have to mindful of the Deadly 3’s (That’s what i call them). I will introduce you to them the first one is Lack of Control which usually affects your emotions and might make you say/text something that you might later on regret. That doesn’t lead to good things. The next one is Permanence which is deadly because once you put something out online it is hard to remove it even if you take something done. You never know because lets say if you posted something or texted something but you later take it down somebody could have screenshotted what you had texted or had posted. So be mindful of that Deadly 3 in particular. The last but not least deadly 3 which is immediacy. Immediacy is deadly because once you do something online almost immediately somebody had saw what you had posted or had said online. Be Careful of what you post because it can have a major affect on you so beware of that. I noticed that people are starting to be either hired un hired or fired based on their social media account. I think that a person shouldn’t be judged based on what’s on their account unless something on their account has something that will threaten the world or something like that. But i think that whatever people post online is their business because you can’t control what another person does and how the outcome of that situation will come out. I think that a person social media account is their business and i don’t think anybody is stupid enough to post up their master plan to the public. That isn’t so smart. When it comes to Free Speech i think that people are unaware of the limit to free speech is even though it is free speech. I think that free speech is the ability and legal right to speak your mind but i do think that it comes with limitory standards. Meaning you have the right to speak your mind but you shouldn’t use that right/privilege to harm others verbally. Back to your safety viewer now you should beware of internet trolls which are people that find a way to make your Social media life a living H e double hockey sticks. Internet Trolls are known for making rude and uncalled for comments on people’s posting. The Best thing to do if your in a situation with a internet troll is to ignore them. That’s the best way to deal with them because when you don’t feed into negative energy it makes it boring for the person that is bothering you. Some pros to posting anonymously is that you don’t get too much attention from people that you do not like. Some cons to that is that people won’t know who you are and that can make you distant from people such as your family unless you want to be distant from your family. Thank you viewer for reading and i hope i gave you a good guide for when you are online. Here are my last 3 tips
Be mindful of what you post online
Give no attention to internet trolls
Make sure that you know what your reputation is online and that you're happy with it
Online Notice
Social Media
When I’m on online I am the same person. Meaning that I don't change anything about me. Also I appear as myself on a daily bases. For example who I am outside of social media I’m the same. I feel that what's the point of changing who you are. I think people perceive me as a muslim, smart, cute girl. The way I appear is mostly who I am as a person.
The pros of sharing online is other people can recognize who you are just from a post or captain. For example if someone follow me on instagram and the see me walking one day somewhere they can easily say I know you from instagram. The cons of posting is that some people can be negative about being post. For example a girl can post something that she think is nice but a person can say the most rudeness thing. Lack of control effect our online lives because nobody realizes what’s happening until the end of the problem. Which means that person will regret everything. My thoughts on background social media is that nobody really care anymore because nothing happened to the wrongdoing people.
Free speech is mostly freedom of saying whatever they want or feel the need to express. For example anybody can say anything they want to anybody. Nothing is really protected with free speech because everybody is entitled to their opinion. A internet troll is a person that go through the internet and start trouble for no reason. The goals of internet trolls are to be the center of attention and make people feel bad just for what they saying.
The pros of posting anonymously is people noticing who you really are as a person. The cons is internet trolls continue to be disrespectful carelessly.
Be careful when posting
Block internet trolls
- Keep an opened eye
Gab's Declassified Social Media Survival Guide
When I am online I try to be conscious of what I post. I try not to do things that I will regret. I post things that I think others can and will relate to. I am the same person I am in person as online. I don’t pretend to be anything I am not. I appear as a cool person and a person you could relate to. I think others would say the same thing based on the comments I get on some of my social media pages. Based off of the positive comments I get from people on my social media accounts, I don’t believe people have a bad perception of me. Sometimes before I post things on social media I think about if I will get in trouble for posting it. I have family members who follow me, so I think about If they are going to comment anything or contact me privately when they see it.
Sharing online comes with great benefits. You get to interact with people you wouldn’t normally interact with. Sometimes opportunities may come your way that will make your future a little brighter. You could possibly do some networking and campaigning for business ventures. You ultimately have fun, express yourself, and enjoy the aspects of sharing online. However, you lose privacy once you start sharing online. Whatever you share and as soon as you post it, it is out there for the world to see.
Lack of Control, Permanence, and Immediacy greatly impact our online lives. When we post something, we don’t have control over who sees it and who doesn’t. When we decide to share something we have no control over that content. People could easily screenshot it and always have access to it, which leads me into the idea of permanence. Even if you delete something, it is always on the internet. People screenshot it, send it to others, re-post it, etc. your content will always be on the Internet. When we post something and as soon as we post it, the whole world (especially if your page is public) has access to that post. Instantly your content is out there and it is no turning back. This affects us greatly, because one mess up online can lead to a tarnished online and real-life reputation. Always think about what you post. Try to post things you won’t regret, because it is out of our hands when it is online.
Do you know that people do background checks on social media? If you didn’t you should be aware. I think that social media background checks can be necessary, but that shouldn’t be the only thing that they use to consider whether you get the job. I believe that all jobs don’t need to do social media background checks. For example, smaller jobs like working at a fast food restaurant shouldn’t do background checks. If you work for a big corporate business, then I think the company should do a background the check. The employers want people who will represent their company correctly.
Try to have a page for business and one for personal uses. If you do have two different pages, don’t associate your personal one with your business account at all;meaning don’t follow/friend your other account, don’t like or re-post anything from your other account, don’t follow the same people you are following on your personal page, etc.
Most people think that free speech is the ability to say whatever they want without any consequences. Well, that isn’t necessarily the case. There is no such thing as total free speech, there is a free speech to an extent. Have you ever said something negative? I know you have, we all have at one point in time. That negative comment you made may have not been protected under the First Amendment. If the statement was obscene, a lie, offensive, promoted violence, possibly destroyed the person’s reputation then it wasn’t protected under the First Amendment.
If you don’t know what “trolling” or what an Internet troll is, I am here to teach you. An Internet troll is a person who post or comments something that bothers all the parties involved. The goal of an Internet troll is to tear you down, hurt your feelings, make you angry, etc. We cannot stop the all of the trolls on the Internet. The best thing we can do is not become a troll ourselves. Don’t post/comment things that have the intention to purposefully hurt another person.
Block the troll. Don’t give the time of day. If it comes to the point where they have really upset you, try not to respond. If you do respond, be respectful, and don’t show them that you’re upset. Don’t let them/it get to you! This advice goes with negative comments, posts, anything in life.
There are pros and cons to posting anonymously online. One pro is that you can post things and no one will know who you are. This is a good thing if you don’t want to have an online identity, but you still want to be involved with online activity. As a result of people not being able to track people who post anonymously, people tend to post negativity. A con to posting anonymously online is that people may not take your post seriously. People tend to value information coming from people they know. You are basically invisible to them and you’re opinion, post, etc. is little to no value for them.
Be very careful and smart about what you post online. Always think twice. Think about your future.
Don’t share any personal information.
Don't pay attention to the negativity and don't be negative yourself <3
Siani's Social Media Appearance and Tips
Online Survival Guide
Online I am the same person in a way as I am in the flesh.I like my online personality because it portrays me perfectly.Online I appear as a intelligent young lady as I am now on the outside world.I think people would percieve me as they percieve themselves because how you see others is a reflection of how you see yourself even if that person doesn’t have any bad reputations.
What I consider before posting online is what my grandmother would think of it.I only think of her because she doesn’t like certain things and as her first grandchild I try to respect her every need.
Some pros and cons of posting online is help a friend or peer out or disrespect a friend or peer.Most disrespect isn’t taken well online because people tend to be very ignorant and argue back.
Lack of control,permanence and immediacy have an impact on our onlne lives because some online identities dont change and grow as the person does.Immediacy is an issue because in person someone wouldn’t drag you into stupid drama as they would online.
My opinion on social media background checks by potential employers is go for it.I say this because in a way if you respect yourself on social media and your page is public then the employers can’t say anything because you are not disrespectful online and if they find something that they don’t like maybe that job isn’t the one for you.
Free speech is respect but then again different people have different preferences on what respect is.Free speech is freedom to say whatever you and put it in magazines and other things.Freedom of speech means that no one is protected until actions happen and someone gets physically hurt such as suicide or cutting in my opinion.Nothing is protected when it comes to freedom of speech.
An internet troll is a mad man or a phychopath,someone who craves negativity and making others miserable online.The set goals of internet trolls is to disrupt comments online and make people angry and argue back because they are sick in the head.In my opinion there is no way to stop trolling because they are hidden and meant to blend in with regular people.The only way possible is to stop social media and that wll drive people crazy because god forbid we get up off of our phones and read a book.
Some pros of posting anonymously online is that you can post whatever you want good or bad.Some cons of posting anonymously online is that you can be disrespectful and no one can do anything about it whatsoever.I disagree with posting anonymously because if you can post and comment you can man up and show your face behind what you say.
Don’t post stupidity and things that cannot be backed by facts
Disregard social media as fast as you can!
Do not meet with people from social media at all.Social Media Survival Guide
Online, i’m just a girl who is always with friends or family. There are pictures of me and my friends, along with family. I post online and share pictures all the time, it’s how I share how i’m feeling or what i’m doing.
I think based on my appearance people see me as just a random girl, their friend, or somebody they barely know but like to judge.
Before I post online I consider who’s going to see it, what people are going to think about when they see what i’ve posted, and if it’s going to start an argument.
The pros of sharing online are:
-you get to share how you’re feeling
-you can make people laugh
-people can see your point of view on things, and maybe even agree with you
-you can communicate with other people by a simple post
The cons of sharing online are:
-you can get judge
-hate comments
-internet trolls
-some jobs take what you share/post into consideration
Lack of Control, Permanence, and Immediacy have an impact on our lives because whatever happens because of those things usually stick with us. For example, a mother posted a picture of her child and other people started making horrible memes about the child. People are very cruel online and they don’t think about who they’re affecting. The mother had no control over the situation. Permanence has a huge impact because once you post something it’ll be there forever and people can do things to your pictures that are harsh and inconsiderate. Immediacy is bad because things happen in the blink of an eye and you won’t have a say in it.
I think that it’s smart to have a social media background checks. It makes sense for the company to make sure they’re going to hire a stable, well rounded person. I do feel as though your private life is your private life so they can’t really judge you off of social media. Somebody could not look like the best candidate because of their social media but they could be the best worker inside of the office or wherever they work. Therefore, in my opinion it makes sense to have them, but I don’t think it should be what determines if somebody gets the job or not.
As stated on < >
“The most basic component of freedom of expression is the right of freedom of speech. The right to freedom of speech allows individuals to express themselves without interference or constraint by the government.” Freedom of speech covers freedoms concerning religion, expression, assembly, and the right to petition. It does not cover things such as, Captive Audience, Prior Restraint, Libel, Slander, Defamation, Absolute Privilege, Advocacy of Illegal Action, Fighting Words, Commercial Speech, Government Speech, and Obscenity. The Freedom of Speech is not what everyone thinks it is. You have a right to say what you think, but not to harm others while you’re doing it.
An internet troll is somebody that starts arguments or tries to upset people anonymously. Ignore them.
An internet troll’s goal is to make themselves laugh and upset others or make them angry. They get a kick out of affecting others emotions.
I don’t think we can stop trolling because there’s always going to be somebody that wastes all their time in trying to make others anything but happy. Internet trolls will always be around because they always find somebody to pick on and they have something to say about every little thing.
Pros of posting anonymously online!
-nobody knows it’s actually you posting whatever it is
-nobody can judge you
-you can post things that you might not want to post on your personal account
-nobody will call you out on what you post
Con of posting anonymously online!
-you could get the urge to bully, harass, or troll people.
-you might start to change your behavior for the worse.
-maybe others want to know who you actually are.
Top 3 tips to anyone on social media…
Do not post when you’re angry, because you will most likely say something you do not mean.
Do not post things that can ruin your reputation or that can hurt others.
First impressions matter so be careful with what you share on your social media accounts.
Survival Guide To Social Media by: Zion Gonzalez
Social media is like the ocean, because in the beginning it seems harmless. Though deeper you go the darker and crazier it becomes. That is why everyone needs to have a way to
survive the Wild Web. I have some advice to do just that.
On social media I appear as Zion Gonzalez on Facebook and ZgAmINg18 on everything else. On Facebook I only accept those I have met in real life so I go by my real name so they know who I am. Although on everything else I appear as just a different name. I am very superstitious about who knows my name or not because of identity fraud. Other than that I post my actual face, and actual stuff because I feel like those are unimportant to anybody trying to steal my identity.
Another thing people should know when they post something is the repercussions. Suppose you post a pic of yourself at a party and you are flipping the bird. If you go to a job interview they will look at that and think you’re some type of crazy party person. Negative effects don’t just come from posting, they can also come from liking something too! Imagine you like a page’s post because it a comedic post, but the title of the page is something ignorant or inappropriate. Most people at an interview don’t have time to be looking through a whole page and they just go by the title. It may not be an inappropriate page, but a person just looking at the title may think it is.
Another thing is always keep some of your information to yourself. Nobody needs to know that you took a number two in a restaurant bathroom. No one cares that a cockroach came in your nasty apartment. Also don’t be a cyber-bully, making fun of somebody is wrong as it is, but doing it where anybody can see it is even worse. If you have something mean to say to somebody, KEEP IT TO YOURSELF! Eating a taco, burrito, do'nut, burger, spaghetti I don’t care keep it to yourself.
Lastly don’t text/post yourself inappropriately, because you’re just asking for problems. No good can come out of posting/texting your no-no touching private special area or areas if you’re a girl. The person that you trust the most can turn their back on you for a few likes. In conclusion, when it comes to social media stay away from the drama. Social media can be a blast when used properly and horrible if used incorrectly.
Social Media Survival Guide
There are good things that come with posting online. Some pros are publicity and entertainment. You can get publicity by posting things people like and will share. That will also go with entertainment because you can post things that are comedic and make people laugh. Some cons are people taking it out of context and humiliation. People can take it out of context by not knowing any background information about you. You can get humiliation by people creating Memes of an awkward post of yourself doing a weird position.
Be careful of what you post because it can get you in trouble. If you post something that ruins the reputation of others, is explicit, and/or causes someone to harm themselves or someone else, you are breaking the first amendment. really watch out for are trolls. They are people who sit behind a computer and get enjoyment of making others hurt. You can stop internet trolls by ignoring them and not acknowledging their existence. If anyone you know is dealing with a troll, you should tell them that they are better than the trolls and shouldn’t care what other people that don’t know you say about you when you know it’s not true.
Now there are many pros and cons to posting anonymously. I’m only going to list a few of them. One pro to posting anonymously is that if you post something that is going to get you into trouble, they can’t say that it was you who posted it. One con about posting anonymously is that if you post something you are proud of you can’t take ownership of it unless you prove otherwise.
Here are some tips. 1) Think twice before you post anything on social media. 2) Make your accounts private if you don’t want anyone to see what you post. 3) REMEMBER you are better than trolls. They are just out to hurt others for fun.My online identity by jeremiah conley
Well if you look me up online I am basically invisible but there is a reason for that. I never use my actual name for any social media in general because I would ( like most people ) would not like to be judged for what I post online. Even though I do not post anything negative on them and if it is offensive to some people I will take it down. I do not really think people judge me for this because they would most likely agree with me on that subject so I don’t think a lot of people would judge me at all. Usually when i want to post something I consider if the content is to offensive, disgusting or just stupid in general because if you get a job interview they will look up your social media to see if you get hired or not. I always think of the future so if i think of posting a certain thing i’ll stop and consider it before hand.
There are some pros and cons for sharing online there is always a high chance that an internet troll will always try to get a response out of you just because they enjoy it. some people will be envious of your lifestyle but it may not be true there are even more pros and cons so watch what you post. Sometimes there is a Lack of control for example one girl had a list of every person she had relations with it had every detail she sent it to 3 friends and after that she lost control of the situation , for permanence a Mother put a picture of her daughter , people online then begun to make memes ( pictures with captions) and that became stuck online forever. Then there is Immediacy when some people post certain things it may bring a crowd of urgency, when nicki minaj posted something online to criticize the picture people started to go into a panic well it is more like they started to talk about her even though she said that it should not be a costume.
When you think about your potential employers looking through your accounts you may think of these questions: why are they going through my Instagram account?, or why is that even needed. Well when they are going into your accounts they are trying to find what type of person you are and reasons they should or should not hire you. For example in Tech class we examined one anonymous person’s twitter account and what she had posted, there were posts saying she would do some illegal things at home, vulgar language and other offensive things that would most likely that would not get her the job. She may have had free speech , which is the ability to say whatever she wants but on some social media it is just not accepted. Only the things such as obscene was on her account and I do not think I would have hired her because of those things.
There are even things online known as an internet troll . They basically make your day worse by posting rude or very indecent messages to other people. They may even show up on your social media account as well. They really only want a response out of you so I think the best way to deal with them is to ignore them but some people could not do that so I would also suggest deleting the comments and try not to think about it. There really is not a way to stop trolling but we can win the situation by not giving them what they want which is a response from you or make a thing such as a comment war. The only way we could stop them is by not giving them the attention they want that and like I said earlier you can delete the comments and We could all sign a petition that negative and rude comments would be banned from social media.
They could always post anonymously there are some benefits and cons to that. One thing is that like the name you would not know who they are which is a benefit for them but mostly negative time for you because they can keep coming back and back but here's is a good side for you they can always be tracked down by police if they threaten you but they can be banned still even if anonymous even in some social media they would not be able to comment on the image and or blog like Ifunny.
Here are some tips to help you survive social media
Watch out for what you post because you never know who sees it.
Do not engage in the internet trolls just do what I said like ignore them and delete that comment.
- The last one ladies and gents is to always make sure that you keep private information to yourself and never post on social media cause if you do it can ruin your life.
Surviving the Internet Trolls
The person I am online is a whole different person in person. I have different attitudes, a different personality, and more open. Being online I feel i'm able to express who I am since its my online account. Based on my appearance, I think people look at me different and probably think i'm just a normal girl. But once I meet somebody offline, I end up opening with them, giving them advice, and letting them know who I am. My mom gave me rules before posting anything online. I go by what she would say if she saw anything I put online. I also respect myself before putting up something that isn't my age, appropriate, or wouldn't help me in the future. The pros and cons of sharing online that it can be sent out to anyone anywhere. Regardless what you think of the post it would be change and switched to make you look like a bad person. In many situations people had lack of control for having their post spread all over. Once they post it and finally realize they made a bad decision, they decide to delete it and it gets out and they won't have control on what happens or what anyone says about it. That's how it becomes Permanence, it enter to be permanent online and the person won't be able to take it down or delete it. Immediacy has a big impact also because as soon as you post anything wrong or good, it's shared immediately all over. Many students and works have to go have a background check on their social media by their job, family, or anybody that's watching them. My thoughts on this is it's a good thing and helps people reflect on what happen and what they did wrong so they won't do it again. Many people are against that because they believe its free speech regardless if it's bad or good. Free speech is different in everybody eyes and especially what they say. Many fighting words are online which is unprotected by the first amendment. When it comes it comes to Libel, its protected. In my eyes that's when the internet trolls come out and begin to start arguments to destroy someone's happiness. They aren't happy with themselves and begin creating their own war.We can stop the war by confronting the trolls and speaking for people that aren't able to do that on their own. The pros and cons of posting anonymously makes issues and creates problems that don't need to happen. When it comes to the internet I believe people should watch what they say and what they post. This will make problems not happen and will maybe slow down bullying and change people's mind when it comes to being a troll online.