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Tobacco PSA
Food Safety
In this video you will see me and my friends talk about food safety. We want you to learn some tips about food safety. Hopefully you go on to teach other people and help them. I filmed and added to the video an interview with my manager who you will hear when you watch the video. I think I did a good job filming and I think I could have asked better questions and I could have made better transitions. The most meaningful part was showing people our knowledge of food safety and things you should and should not do when preparing food,
Prescription Drug Overdose
In our project we talked about prescription drug overdose. This allowed us to focus on teens who get addicted to drugs because of sports injuries. We interviewed my stepdad who is an EMS for the fire department. He talked about his experiences on the job dealing with these kinds of problems.
Q4 benchmark
Teen pregnancy
Food Safety
In our video that me and my group main was centered around food safety. In our video we had around five parts. Consisting the skit, three PSA, and a interview. Our skit is less than a minute and it was focus contaminated and non-contaminated food. During my PSA I briefly talk about how to properly handle meat. We chose this topic because it easy for us to find a person to interview and this is a serious issue that can affect everybody in the world. Form things like chemicals and germs. This is why we need to focus on sanitation. This affects every source of roles in our society and very serious to health care. The process could range from sanitation, how our food is being produce, or even if the place where getting food is reliable. Some jobs could be range from a food specialist, food safety auditor, consumer safety inspector, etc.
Prescription Drug Overdoses
Prescription drug overdoses have is a very scary and real problem that should be getting more attention. These drug overdoses claim more than 70,000 lives a year in the U.S. alone. A large percent of these lost lives are teenagers. The amount of teenage prescription drug overdoses are incredibly high for the simple that it is so easy for teens to receive these pills from their doctors. I feel as though we here about these overdoses on the news or even celebrities overdosing as well but in today's culture drugs are still found as cool and their popularity comes from my music industry. Video: