Alzheimer's Benchmark
This project teaches what the Normal nervous system looks like compared to a nervous system infected with Alzheimers. This disease has become very common and can lead to the loss of memory gradually and so far there is no cure
This project teaches what the Normal nervous system looks like compared to a nervous system infected with Alzheimers. This disease has become very common and can lead to the loss of memory gradually and so far there is no cure
For our project we explain the differences between an healthy brain and a brain that suffers from DID. People with DID have smaller amygdala and hippocampus. I learn that those functions is used to help you remember things and having a smaller one makes it harder.
Slide Show: This projects teachers what a healthy nervous system is like compared to a nervous system with Alzheimer's Disease. This scary and pretty common disease not only affects your life but the people around you as well.
This project will give you breif descriptions of a healthy brain vs a brain with Dissociative Identity disorder or DID. I learned from this lots about how theability for certain parts of the brain to function depends on the size. If said region is too small you won't be able to use it to its full potential. I also learned that people are able to function naturally with some of their brain lacking function. The job of that part of the brain is most likely the only part affected.
Link to website: For the most part, I have learned that stress can trigger things such as an adrenaline rush and that stress can be used as a way to survive throughout the life of humans.