Why do leaves change color?
Use this link to look at why leaves changes its color
Use this link to look at why leaves changes its color
Indigenous plants, Cultures and wisdom can all be conserved by doing the simplest of things. Will it take a bit of work? Yes but we can even do things like writing down traditions and keeping the knowledge circulating by telling others. Encouraging them to participate in botany. Giving them great, natural, and environmentally positive power. Humans can take the essence of plants and place it inside of areas that they will thrive in. If the area does not exist during the time of year then we can create it with our own two hands. A plants anatomy is important but not everything in regards to it’s physiology. Yes the basic layout of the plant is determined by what it’s made up by but there are many different looking plants that have the same functions or uses. I say we keep the traditions alive and help our world blossom not wilt. All that there is to wonder is; Will you help save our environment?
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The Sioux tribe, from South Dakota-
They lived in teepees, wore clothing made from animal skin such as buffalo, the clothing usually consisted of Fur, leather, and suede. They traded buffalo products for crops such as corn. They got this from tribes of plains (tribes found within Canada, and The U.S). Females were good at bead embroidery, while men usually performed raids on other tribes. They believed in 4 powers that controlled the universe.
Animals such as Buffalo and Bear were a big deal to them usually used in rituals, and celebrations. Although they tended to crops and used them as a source of income. Their main source of income was the animals they killed and herded. The weapons and clothing made from the fur and skin of these animals were highly praised and sold well.
Indigenous plants, cultures and wisdom should be conserved by spreading awareness of indigenous people and their background. They use every plant in a different way depending what the plant is good for. Depending on the plant, like herbs can be used as medicinal, while other plants like fruits, nuts, vegies, is used as food. If humans genetically modify the plants to help change with the environment, it will allow the plants to survive in those specific environments, etc. What stood out to us was how many different organizations there was to help out the Indigenous plants and people.
Q1 Benchmark
While me and my group was working together, we came across a few interesting indigenous people. The ingenious group we researched are Inuit, Lenape Indians, Bedouin, and Himba. Now in terms of how can indigenous plants and cultures can be preserved, It would take a community to actually put more effort into making sure that certain plants and wisdom are passed down. Therefore making sure that practices are passed down and things continue to be practiced. The structure of a plant affects how they function meaning whatever they are built off of will determine how they will interact with life. For example, a dandelion has the ability to allow its particles to be blown away in the wind so that it can further travel across the world. Humans can affect how plants are affected by the climate change because when we truly think about it, the affect on the plants are truly influenced by whatever humans do. The atomosphere is corrupted because of humans because of fossil fuels and that affects the plants when it comes to O2