Tsunami Reflection
Zanaya Lawhorn Ms.Aziz Sept 13 , 2018 Reflection For my [project the natural disaster that my group chose was Tsunamis . A tsunami is a high sea wave that is caused by an underwater earthquake .These wave can be as tall as 100 fee and can travel from 500-800 Kilometers . These tsunamis can throw the atmosphere off balance , while damaging the soil that we have here on dry land . Tsunamis also destroy the environment becuase now everything is flooded. A tsunami brings a lot of water energy with it ,which means the pressure is very dangerous it would be best to stay on high grounds away from heavy objects . I believe that tsunamis are natural and their isn't a way to necessarily prevent them but we as people can prepare by having safety plans and having certain area maybe waterproof that can fit large amounts of people . When it comes to natural disasters the best thing we can do to protect ourselves is to stay aware .