Physics · Gray · D Public Feed
Physics Project
My partner Drake and I want to be a doctor when we get older. We choose this project because we feel as DNA strand is also a part of knowing parts of the body. medication. The DNA strand can help build our bodies. DNA also helps your immune system.It is used to solve types of disease and it is used to see family relationship
Circuit project
We chose this as our sculture because football is one of our favorite sports . Most people did things with meaning so we made a football with the 3d printer . We made a football because it's a very man like sport and we like that . For our sculpture we put our lights connected to each each bulb together and connected it to a switch server that has double AA batteries . and now it hangs in my room from my dresser . It was a challenging project .
Physics Project
Angie´s artist statement- We decided to put lights around the hat in a loop form because we thought that it would be cool to make a hat light up using batteries and wires. We light the idea of putting the lights in the hat every since we mentioned it and we really hopes this works. We believe that this idea was really good and we think that we did the best we could with this hat. This was a very fun experiment with the hat.
Trinati´s artist statement- I chose this object because nobody else was doing a hat in my class and I wanted to be different. I created this hat so I could see in the dark at nighttime. I decided to put the lights on the cap part of the hat because I thought it would be cool and people would notice the lights more. This project was the most creative and fun project.
The artist statement

In this project, I decided to make my name sculpture because a name is something that represents our identity. It’s something that makes us who we are. And therefore it's really important to work hard and to succeed in life, so you can be known as a good person. My name is really important to me because it means “made of gold” and that's why I want to work really hard in my life to actually shine my life as golds.
Cole And Glenn Eletric Arts Project
Me and glenn are lighting up a gamecube controller with Christmas lights and an open switch. This controller represents us because we both have been playing videogames since we were kids. We made a series circuit and attached it to the gamecube controller. We play games to escape reality and have fun.
Physics Project
This item represents my love for sports. I chose this disc because it actually had the blood and sweat of me and my friends on it. It shows my determination and my passion for sports. This item will always be a reminder to me to always give anything I do 100% effort. That’s why I made this sculpture.
Electric Arts Benchmark
Artistic sculpture
Jeremiah Grier & Chanelle Holiday
Originally we were going to do something simple but we wanted to exceed expectation and think of something nobody else in the class would do. The most common thing other people did was attach lights to something and since we didn't just want to attach lights to something and have it look like we didn't put any effort in it. I saw this video and i wanted to make something like it because it represent art and hip-hop culture a bit because of the samples they used in the music and the messages on the shirt. Although we didn't make anything explicit and kept it PG on the shirt we tried to spice it up a little bit by drawing the deuces sign on it. That dueces sign represents No worries and no problems to us, so we drew it because we thought we wouldn't have no problem doing these benchmarks and standards. In the end we made a good project and were very proud of it.
Physics Project
Artist Statement I made this because everywhere I go I carry a hair brush and connecting these leds to the brush give it a glow.It makes the brush much cooler and makes it stand out more.Why wouldnt you make something better that you use everyday :)