Color Wheel Project
I chose to make this because I wanted to further my understanding and use of colors. I wanted to make the project focused more on the colors than a design so I used up all of my available space. I expect the audience to think that it’s a basic practice color wheel so that I can become a better artist by trying new things and just making things. It fits in with contemporary art because it uses a sorts of colors and looks slick and modern. This fits in with art history because it shows how you need to practice with art as much as possible to be good.
I was influenced by an artist named Jason Polan because he uses very simplistic designs that look intentionally sloppy. Making the piece look sloppy is helpful because it allows me to show that perfect art doesn’t exist and allows me to remember not to get too caught up in making things look perfect. I experimented with intentionally messing up and not fixing it, I found this very helpful and I see myself doing so in the future. I really enjoyed making this color wheel and look forward to using the techniques and colors I learned while making this to help further my future work.