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Tips for Teenagers
Tips for Teenagers
Tips for Teenagers
By: Jaycob, Mercedez, Cinque, Ryan & Jake
Based on the I-Search papers that we completed on teenage development, here are some tips for teenagers to help them be happier and to help them develop in positive ways.
My tips is that teens should be encouraged enroll in athletics and extracurricular activities, to enhance their social skills and personal identities. Studies show that they can also enhance brain development and physical well-being. It also
helps children learn how to solve problems, identify interests, and work with others.
My tip was to be careful about what groups you join and who you are getting involved with.
Jaycob’s tip; Everything needs to have a balance, meaning that everything you do has to have moderation.
My tip is to be careful with peer pressure. Peer pressure can be both good and bad. Every teenager give into peer pressure at some point in their lives, both good and bad so watch what kind of peer pressure you give into.
Tips for Teenagers: Abdul, Jordon, and Migdalia
Based on the I-Search papers that we completed on teenage development, here are some tips for teenagers to help them be happier and to help them develop in positive ways.
For kids with parents whose words influence them in a negative way: First accept that your parents are here to show you a better path and right now they’re just angry. Remember that there are teens out there who are going through the same thing, you're not alone. Try and surround yourself with people who embrace the positive in you and frequently know that you are a positive person in their life. Finally remember that you can change the way your parents think about you. Take it one step at a time and have conversations, compromise and come to a consensus with your parents.(Migdalia)
Kids who feel like their parents are living through themand are applying to much pressure the best thing for them to do is for them to talk to their parent.If they feel like the pace their parents are pushing them to is too fast they should express their true feelings.Them doing so would make it easier for the parents to understand your feelings and so they can see how they are affecting you and see the error in their ways.
- Kids don’t need to fit in but it’s natural to. It is natural for you to try fit in because its a healthy way to grow up. It allows you to view different things that you enjoy and help you decide the career options that you enjoy. When teens can’t fit in then they feel that they are not special and that they are worth nothing.
Tips for Teenagers By: Vernika, Dior, Cyrus, and Syed
Based on the I-Search papers that we completed on teenage development, here are some tips for teenagers to help them be happier and to help them develop in positive ways.
Don’t make decisions based on negative influences, especially when it’s something that you know is wrong. Make decisions for yourself and only you.
Don’t allow your environment to determine your life choices. Even if people may stereotype you due to your environment, you’ll just have to prove them wrong.
Don’t follow negative paths. Learn to lead yourself in a positive direction so that others will notice and want to follow in your footsteps.
- If you're having any problems expressing yourself, you should talk to a trusted adult or close friend. Trustworthy people can help you out a lot when you're carrying too much weight on your shoulders.
Tips for Teenagers Zack Waxler, Brandon Miranda, Chloe Bartlett, Taylor Simmons and Mya Bulgin
Tips for Teenagers
By: Zack Waxler (3), Brandon Miranda (4), Taylor Simmons (1), Chloe Bartlett (2) and Mya Bulgin (5)
Based on the I-Search papers that we completed on teenage development, here are some tips for teenagers to help them be happier and to help them develop in positive ways.
Don’t trust people too much because sometimes that overwhelming sense of trust can come back to hurt you.
It’s not your fault, so don’t blame yourself. If someone in your life is having a hard time getting through life, you might blame yourself and think that you are the reason why they are having a hard time. Don’t do that.
Getting appeal from your peers isn’t as important as you think, don’t have that as your top priority in life.
Do not be influenced by those who will make you unsuccessful. Remember that most of people (that aren’t your parents) that you look up to could be the reason why you are losing the capability of achieving what you want.
Mya’s Slot (She is absent today)
Originality & Honesty #Tips4Teens
Tips for Teenagers
By: Michael, Brandon, Nahja, Diamond, Frank
Based on the I-Search papers that we completed on teenage development, here are some tips for teenagers to help them be happier and to help them develop in positive ways.
Try to be honest and magnanimous. Lying leads to more bad stuff. Being mean creates enemies.
Don’t be afraid to stand out and be yourself. Always be self-confident because you can gain more respect from others.
Do not be easily influenced. Come to your own conclusions and be your own person. Being different is motivational.
Since the teenage years are important, getting good grades should be taken seriously.
- Don’t change who you are and don’t try to be another person.
Tips for Teenagers By:Shawn Brooks, Sakura Seals, Aedan Will, Morgan Shinners, and Siradji Diallo
Based on the I-Search papers that we completed on teenage development, here are some tips for teenagers to help them be happier and to help them develop in positive ways.
It’s okay if a teenage combine and life goals and school expectations.
Make a list of goals you want to accomplish and get it done.
Worry about your self only and your goals for your future/peers.
Stay focused in school and don’t/ don’t worry what others say about you.
5. Don’t take negative comments that others say about you to heart.
6. Teens should be around friends that support them.
Express Videos and Artists Statements
This unit was about expressing ourselves & trying to get us to be who we are & not what society wants us to be (wear the mask). This video helps us learn about our friends more by showing us what they like to do & how hard they have worked on this activity or how hard they try to do the best they can at this. It also teaches us to not be so quick to judge others and how we need to accept their differences so we can grow as people.
For the video, we all shared each others’ interests; We tried doing parkour (Jaycob); we tried playing games (Zack); we also tried skateboarding (Ryan); we tried drawing (Abdul). By doing this we learned more about each other & how hard they worked to get to skill level they are at now.
My video wasn’t finished but what i started on included stuff I use to definewho i am & what I like to do. Music is something that has played/plays a big role in my life. I just had a few bands & artists that I like or listen to a lot. I also like to build & design so I had a few pictures of stuff I made with the DMD (Department of Making & Doing). I didn’t have time to record or take any pictures of this for my video but I like to skateboard or playe baseball in my free time. I was also going to put a few quotes i like in there but never got to that either.
Making this project helped me learn a bit more about myself. I never really realized before that some of these things made me who I am. I thought it was just something I liked to do but they actually shaped me into who I am.
To begin,the reason we express ourselves is because humans are social beings. Humans love to know about others and for others to know about them. Even in each conversation information is shared which creates a better understanding of the two people. Creating a bond.Which creates a relationship. People express themselves in many ways like the way they dress , they way they act, and what music they listen to;However, in the end it all boils down to the same fact. We as humans, are social so we express ourselves to learn more about each other and for them to know more about us.
Furthermore, Technology affects the way we express ourselves and the way we connect with each other in a huge way. Technology is good and makes life comfortable , but it also impends on the amount of physical conversations that happen. Nowadays the whole family could be in the same room , but they wouldn’t be bonding because they are all on their phones. Creating a gap between each other.People use technology like video games to express themselves in many ways. If someone plays games like naruto , then they must like anime. They would most likely have friends who watch anime.If someone plays sport games then they must be competitive. They may participate in sport activities.
Moreover, I think that I have expressed the complexity of myself in my video. I showed my competitive side by showing me playing video games like madden, 2k and gta. I showed my fun side by having a video of me playing around with my cousins and showed a vine. I then showcased my talent of art by showing a painting and my drawing. I then showed my favorite childhood show along with me showcasing me being a muslim. I recorded myself reading a sura and took a picture.I also showed my motivated myself by putting in a quote I live by. So, i think I did well with expressing my complexity.
In conclusion, While doing this project I learned the reason why people express themselves, how technology affects they way we express ourselves and connect with people, and how I expressed the complexity of myself in my video. I learned that people express themselves because they are curious. The technology has a huge impact on how people express themselves and how we connect. I also learned I had expressed all of my complexity's that make Abdulomar, Abdulomar.
Dior, Mercedez, Sakura, Brandon and Migdalia's WeVideo
Unit 1 was about expressing who we are through topics like our interests, hobbies, cultures, and sexual orientation. We figured out why and how people wear ‘masks’. We learned that despite all of our differences in cultures and race, we have a lot in common. It was surprising seeing the resemblance in food, music, etc. Even though our cultures are very widely spread apart it was interesting seeing how close we really were. During this video we learned about other cultures and even more about our own backgrounds. This represents the start of no racial difference because so many people think that we can't get along with other races because they were raised up doing something different but really doing this makes us come a little closer to accepting different races and enjoying and cherishing the differences while still having similarities.
In our video, we had took an exclusive look on each one of our individual cultures and races divided by name and cultural Background. Dior being Native American, Sakura being African American, Mercedez (a huge load of things) but mainly focusing in being Hispanic and Brandon and Migdalia being Borinqueños (Puerto Rican). We all focused on main aspects of our cultures and how they affect our daily lives. Examples we used like food: Sakura’s photos of Philly cheese-steaks, music: Mercedez’s use of Spanish background music, family, friends and things that inspire us like Dior’s pictures of Wolves and Migdalia and Brandons pictures of the PuertoRican flower the Hibiscus. In the end we had a small slide show of us together because we all still manage to like each other despite our differences. We had many pictures us of doing us because we still can collaborate and be friends even if we all go home and eat different things. At the end of the day we are more similar than we think.
We think that our most important parts have been explained above. Our overall theme in the end to us is “Connection”. Set aside how we're different and come together for our similarities.When I was creating my video, I thought about all the things that helps define myself. In order to fully understand my video, you would have to pay close attention to the pictures and you can honestly tell the things that can draw out a clear picture of who I am.If you can’t draw in the hidden messages through my pictures then you wouldn’t be able to fully understand me. By completing this project, I have learned that there were certain things that I cherish more than others. For example in my video, it felt like to me that I cared about my friends more than my family, which is false. I love them both equal and I didn’t believe that a vast amount of pictures would be needed to prove it.
Why do we express ourselves? we express ourselves because it shows people who we are as a person, we express ourselves because it helps us find out who we are and what we like to do and the different things we like. When doing this we really get to know who ourselves better.
In my video it shows the things that make me the person i am today. They are my friends and family because without them i wouldn't really know who i am i wouldn't be the fun loving person they see me as. When doing this project i learned that you shouldn’t have to wear a mask to fit into society and they want you to be you should be your self not nobody else.
My Express Myself! individual video is all about me, of course. It goes into categories of my family, friends, relationships, and hobbies or interests. These things mean a lot to me, as they are describing me as a person. Throughout the quarter, we have been learning how to express ourselves and why. I believe my statements and videos have already explained many things about me that wouldn’t come up in my usual conversations. I have learned to trust the people that i present myself too, because, in return of showing who I am to them, I will receive their opening up also. As soon as we all realize that we are in safe learning environment, free of judgement, then we will all be one step closer to a less judgemental and open society, and that is what I have learned over the course of my English class.
My main focus while doing my video was to make people understand my daily life and show who i really am. I learned many things about myself during this whole unit like how i love plants. I just found that out! This gives me time to analyze my knowledge about myself and how much more things I’m left to find out about myself.
In my video everything is very cluttered and that was one of my main things that i actually wanted to do. My life isn't in order its crazy and fun and just not planned so spacing everything out was cool for me. I included my love for music, family, friends plants, activities like: poetry, laying on my hammock reading and eating. Sleeping was not included but i wish i had. I put many photos so everything is really fast and I liked it like that because in the end my life has many moments and i wanted to include everything.
My whole point at the end of the day was to learn to love myself and not be scared to express the things I love whether it was a common thing or not. I think i completed that.Group One Video Project
The Express Myself! Video Project was a great opportunity for me to really reflect on who I think I am. I believe that people, no matter the amount, want to be known for something. It is similar to what Tan Le said in a TED talk. Your profession doesn't necessarily define you rather who you think you are and what drives you as a person.
My video includes a lot of “selfies”, something that I take a lot of daily. One major takeaway from this is who I think I am. I never actually thought about who I was and how I defined myself. It was a self-evaluation. I learned more about the things that I like and what makes me “me.” I am a young, motivated, smart person who is a sports fan and a family lover. This project has helped me to find the true definition of me- Nahja.Shawn
Summary: I did this video for an English Assignment. In this video, I express myself, telling what I like a what type of person I am.
In order to fully understand my video, I need to pay attention to how I am describing myself. For example, if I want everyone know that I serious person, I would include how much seriously I take school and my education. By show scores I got on test and quizzes, people can see that must had study hard for that assignment and must have pay attention in class. Also, I would want to include what I like to do during my spare time. If people want to get to know me, they can like at my video and see that I like chess, reading, working-out, and play video whenever I have the chance.
Syed Jamil
To fully know my video, I need to fully the understand purpose of making the video and what my peers and others will get out watching this video. By completing project, I’d learned that it’s important for others to know the full complexity of one’s self.I think people express themselves with their personalities. People express themselves with their personalities so that they would be able to find some similar traits or interests and potentially find some connections with people. We express ourselves so that people can get a general idea of our interests and personal thoughts about certain things. By getting more chances to express yourself, the more that people will get to know about you and that might lead to having possible connection.