
Code Title Teachers Students Location Schedule Term Course
11th Grade Advisory
ADV11-4 ADV 11 - Roy - adv Matthew Roy 21 314A adv 2015-16 11th Grade Advisory
Algebra 2
ALG2-1 ALGEBRA 2 - Gray - Y Leroy Gray 30 314A Y 2015-16 Algebra 2
Career Exploration
CAREEREX-007 Career Exploration · Gray · ILP/TFI/CAP Leroy Gray 21 314A ILP/TFI/CAP 2017-18 Career Exploration
Cultural Trad in the Arts
CARTS-001 Cultural Trad in the Arts · Payne · d1 Timothy Payne 28 314A d1 2019-20 Cultural Trad in the Arts
English 3
ENG3-033 English 3 · Bentum · D Bonnee Bentum 27 314A D 2024-25 English 3
ENG3-034 English 3 · Bentum · C Bonnee Bentum 22 314A C 2024-25 English 3
ENG3-035 English 3 · Bentum · Y Bonnee Bentum 27 314A Y 2024-25 English 3
ENG3-036 English 3 · Bentum · F Bonnee Bentum 22 314A F 2024-25 English 3
FOUND-10 FOUNDATION - Gray - Y Leroy Gray 1 314A Y 2015-16 Found
FOUND-2 FOUNDATION - Gray - D Leroy Gray 3 314A D 2015-16 Found
FOUND-9 FOUNDATION - Gray - X Leroy Gray 1 314A X 2015-16 Found
Foundations of Education
EDUFOUND-001 Foundations of Education · Gray/Leaness · A Leroy Gray, Ann Leaness 10 314A A 2017-18 Foundations of Education
EDUFOUND-002 Foundations of Education · Aziz/Gray · B Leroy Gray, Tasnim Aziz 2 314A B 2017-18 Foundations of Education
EDUFOUND-003 Foundations of Education · Hertz/Gray · X Leroy Gray, Mary Hertz 1 314A X 2017-18 Foundations of Education
EDUFOUND-004 Foundations of Education · Hertz/Gray · Y Leroy Gray, Mary Hertz 14 314A Y 2017-18 Foundations of Education
EDUFOUND-005 Foundations of Education · Bentum/Gray · C Leroy Gray, Bonnee Bentum 8 314A C 2017-18 Foundations of Education
EDUFOUND-006 Foundations of Education · Bentum/Gray · D Leroy Gray, Bonnee Bentum 3 314A D 2017-18 Foundations of Education
EDUFOUND-007 Foundations of Education · Gray/Leaness · E Leroy Gray, Ann Leaness 4 314A E 2017-18 Foundations of Education
EDUFOUND-008 Foundations of Education · Gray · a1 Leroy Gray 0 314A a1 2017-18 Foundations of Education
EDUFOUND-009 Foundations of Education · Gray/Leaness · a2 Leroy Gray, Ann Leaness 1 314A a2 2017-18 Foundations of Education
EDUFOUND-010 Foundations of Education · Lawrence/Gray · y2 Leroy Gray, Maximillian Lawrence 1 314A y2 2017-18 Foundations of Education
EDUFOUND-011 Foundations of Education · Bentum/Gray · C2 Leroy Gray, Bonnee Bentum 1 314A C2 2017-18 Foundations of Education
Gender and Literature
GENDLIT-012 Gender and Literature · Baude-Phillips · B Eleanor Baude-Phillips 28 314A B 2023-24: 1st Semester Gender and Literature
GENDLIT-013 Gender and Literature · Baude-Phillips · E Eleanor Baude-Phillips 21 314A E 2023-24: 1st Semester Gender and Literature
GENDLIT-014 Gender and Literature · Baude-Phillips · A Eleanor Baude-Phillips 33 314A A 2023-24: 1st Semester Gender and Literature
GENDLIT-015 Gender and Literature · Baude-Phillips · C Eleanor Baude-Phillips 25 314A C 2023-24: 1st Semester Gender and Literature
ILP-5 ILP - Roy - Wed Matthew Roy 21 314A Wed 2015-16 ILP
Integrated Math 1
MATH1-005 Integrated Math 1 · Jackson · Y Brittany Jackson 29 314A Y 2021-22 Integrated Math 1
MATH1-008 Integrated Math 1 · Jackson · B Brittany Jackson 29 314A B 2021-22 Integrated Math 1
MATH1-010 Integrated Math 1 · Jackson · D Brittany Jackson 26 314A D 2022-23 Integrated Math 1
MATH1-012 Integrated Math 1 · Jackson · X Brittany Jackson 24 314A X 2022-23 Integrated Math 1
Integrated Math 3
MATH3-002 Integrated Math 3 · Jackson · A Brittany Jackson 28 314A A 2021-22 Integrated Math 3
MATH3-004 Integrated Math 3 · Jackson · E Brittany Jackson 27 314A E 2021-22 Integrated Math 3
MATH3-007 Integrated Math 3 · Jackson · A Brittany Jackson 27 314A A 2022-23 Integrated Math 3
MATH3-009 Integrated Math 3 · Jackson · E Brittany Jackson 31 314A E 2022-23 Integrated Math 3
INTERN-013 Internship · Gray · ILP/TFI/CAP Leroy Gray 17 314A ILP/TFI/CAP 2018-19 Internship
INTERN-060 Internship · Jackson Brittany Jackson 16 314A   2022-23 Internship
INTERN-073 Internship · Schaar David Schaar 12 314A   2023-24 Internship
Math of Personal Finance
MATHPF-001 Math of Personal Finance · Jackson · C2 Brittany Jackson 26 314A C2 2021-22 Math of Personal Finance
MATHPF-002 Math of Personal Finance · Jackson · C2 Brittany Jackson 21 314A C2 2022-23 Math of Personal Finance
Seminar Freshman
SEM09-001 Seminar Freshman · Gray · adv Leroy Gray 21 314A adv 2017-18 Seminar Freshman
SEM09-030 Seminar Freshman · Jackson Brittany Jackson 19 314A   2021-22 Seminar Freshman
SEM09-036 Seminar Freshman · Tsai Kathleen Tsai 16 314A   2022-23 Seminar Freshman
Seminar Junior
SEM11-013 Seminar Junior · Kopp/Payne · Advisory Alexander Kopp, Timothy Payne 23 314A Advisory 2019-20 Seminar Junior
SEM11-042 Seminar Junior · Bentum Bonnee Bentum 17 314A   2023-24 Seminar Junior
Seminar Senior
SEM12-037 Seminar Senior · Baude-Phillips Eleanor Baude-Phillips 20 314A   2023-24 Seminar Senior
SEM12-043 Seminar Senior · Bentum Bonnee Bentum 16 314A   2024-25 Seminar Senior
Seminar Sophomore
SEM10-007 Seminar Sophomore · Gray/Payne · adv Leroy Gray, Timothy Payne 23 314A adv 2018-19 Seminar Sophomore
SEM10-035 Seminar Sophomore · Jackson Brittany Jackson 18 314A   2022-23 Seminar Sophomore
Spanish 3
SP3-003 SP3 Leroy Gray 14 314A C 2016-17 Spanish 3
Arts and Humanities » 12th Grade Advisory
ADV12-001 12th Grade Advisory · Gray · adv Leroy Gray 20 314A adv 2016-17 12th Grade Advisory
Arts and Humanities » Senior Capstone
CAP-001 Capstone Leroy Gray 20 314A FIC/IL 2016-17 Senior Capstone
CAP-052 Senior Capstone · Bentum Bonnee Bentum 13 314A   2024-25 Senior Capstone
Elective » Journalism
JOURNAL-009 Journalism · Bentum · x2 Bonnee Bentum 11 314A x2 2023-24 Journalism
JOURNAL-010 Journalism · Bentum · A Bonnee Bentum 22 314A A 2024-25 Journalism
Elective » Senior Assistant Teaching
SAT-002 SAT Prep Leroy Gray 1 314A X 2016-17 Senior Assistant Teaching
SAT-003 SAT Prep Leroy Gray 4 314A Y 2016-17 Senior Assistant Teaching
English » Reading, Writing and Rising Up
RWR-014 Reading, Writing and Rising Up · Bentum · B Bonnee Bentum 28 314A B 2023-24: 2nd Semester Reading, Writing and Rising Up
RWR-015 Reading, Writing and Rising Up · Bentum · E Bonnee Bentum 21 314A E 2023-24: 2nd Semester Reading, Writing and Rising Up
RWR-016 Reading, Writing and Rising Up · Bentum · A Bonnee Bentum 33 314A A 2023-24: 2nd Semester Reading, Writing and Rising Up
RWR-017 Reading, Writing and Rising Up · Bentum · C Bonnee Bentum 25 314A C 2023-24: 2nd Semester Reading, Writing and Rising Up
Mathematics » Algebra 1
ALG1-008 ALGEBRA 1 - Gray - X Leroy Gray 25 314A X 2014-15 Algebra 1
ALG1-019 Algebra 1 · Gray · D Leroy Gray 35 314A D 2018-19 Algebra 1
ALG1-020 Algebra 1 · Gray · X Leroy Gray 33 314A X 2018-19 Algebra 1
ALG1-021 Algebra 1 · Payne · A Timothy Payne 27 314A A 2019-20 Algebra 1
ALG1-022 Algebra 1 · Payne · X Timothy Payne 29 314A X 2019-20 Algebra 1
Mathematics » Calculus
CALC-003 Calculus · Houwen/Gray · E Leroy Gray, Elizabeth Houwen 9 314A E 2018-19 Calculus
CALC-004 Calculus · Houwen/Epps · Y Karen Epps, Elizabeth Houwen 12 314A Y 2019-20 Calculus
Mathematics » Geometry
GEO-014 Geometry · Gray · A Leroy Gray 34 314A A 2018-19 Geometry
GEO-015 Geometry · Gray · C Leroy Gray 38 314A C 2018-19 Geometry
GEO-019 Geometry · Payne · E Timothy Payne 29 314A E 2019-20 Geometry
GEO-020 Geometry · Payne · B Timothy Payne 27 314A B 2019-20 Geometry
Science » Physics
PHYS-005 PHYSICS 1 - Gray - A Leroy Gray 31 314A A 2014-15 Physics
PHYS-006 PHYSICS 1 - Gray - B Leroy Gray 29 314A B 2014-15 Physics
PHYS-007 PHYSICS 1 - Gray - C Leroy Gray 29 314A C 2014-15 Physics
PHYS-008 PHYSICS 1 - Gray - D Leroy Gray 34 314A D 2014-15 Physics
PHYS-009 Physics · Gray · A Leroy Gray 33 314A A 2016-17 Physics
PHYS-010 Physics · Gray · B Leroy Gray 31 314A B 2016-17 Physics
PHYS-011 Physics · Gray · D Leroy Gray 33 314A D 2016-17 Physics
PHYS-012 Physics · Gray · E Leroy Gray 32 314A E 2016-17 Physics
PHYS-013 Physics · Gray · E Leroy Gray 34 314A E 2017-18 Physics
PHYS-014 Physics · Gray · A Leroy Gray 33 314A A 2017-18 Physics
PHYS-015 Physics · Gray · B Leroy Gray 32 314A B 2017-18 Physics
PHYS-016 Physics · Gray · D Leroy Gray 33 314A D 2017-18 Physics
PHYS-1 PHYSICS 1 - Gray - A Leroy Gray 32 314A A 2015-16 Physics
PHYS-2 PHYSICS 1 - Gray - B Leroy Gray 32 314A B 2015-16 Physics
PHYS-3 PHYSICS 1 - Gray - D Leroy Gray 31 314A D 2015-16 Physics
PHYS-4 PHYSICS 1 - Gray - E Leroy Gray 32 314A E 2015-16 Physics
World Languages » Spanish 4
SP4-001 Spanish 4 · Gray · C1 Leroy Gray 5 314A C1 2016-17 Spanish 4